How to make sure that int start() will run at specific computer time.


I am thinking of close all open orders at 23:59:00 on Friday but it may not happen when there is no new tick coming in. I have searched the documetation but did not find anything close.

Please help me. Thanks


there's many ways to do that, sample is below, check the documentation please

int start () {

while (!IsStopped())
  datetime local = TimeLocal();

  if (
     (TimeDayOfWeek (local) == 5 &&
     TimeHour (local) == 23 &&
     TimeMinute (local) == 59 &&
     TimeSeconds (local) >= 00 ) 
     || TimeDayOfWeek (local) > 5
     // code in action

   Sleep (100); //must have sleep if we use tight while loop
   return (0);

That sleep thing, we must have them if we use tight loop, just don't take too long or we may miss a tick while we're sleep :(

I said many ways. You have to code them carefully, since if that code miss minute 59, then the code in action will never get executed. That's why there is TimeDayOfWeek (local) > 5 - just in case.



I am thinking of close all open orders at 23:59:00 on Friday but it may not happen when there is no new tick coming in. I have searched the documetation but did not find anything close.

Please help me. Thanks

You shouldn't be trading if there are no ticks coming in, or coming in very slowly. In the last few minutes of the market being open the spread can get quite bad and you will not see this on the strategy tester. I would close out any positions well before the market closes, say 20 minutes minimum. Then you can just run your EA standardly and when the time is greater than your cutoff time close out the positions.