Ask and Bid Line: Can you change line thickness?


Hello everyone.

I have a personal preference to use light color background templates(just find it a little easier on my eyes),

but unfortunately a draw back is I find it difficult to see the Ask and Bid lines, particularly the Bid line, as it appears that you can't change it from the default "Black"

Just wondering if it is possible to make these lines thicker, bolder to improve their visibility on the charts.

I have changed the ask line to red which has helped!




Hello everyone.

I have a personal preference to use light color background templates(just find it a little easier on my eyes),

but unfortunately a draw back is I find it difficult to see the Ask and Bid lines, particularly the Bid line, as it appears that you can't change it from the default "Black"

You can change the Bid line colour . . . press F8, click Colors and change the Grid colour . . .

Alternatively . . . create a simple "Indicator" which draws a Horizontal line of your colour, type and thickness preference at Bid . . . or . . .

create a simple "Indicator" that does something like this . . .


You can change the Bid line colour . . . press F8, click Colors and change the Grid colour . . .

Alternatively . . . create a simple "Indicator" which draws a Horizontal line of your colour, type and thickness preference at Bid . . . or . . .

create a simple "Indicator" that does something like this . . .

Thank you, have used your first suggestion already and will attempt to implement the other methods.

Really appreciate the feedback !!!