Sendemail Error: "Mail: Not Enough Space For..."


Hi, All

I want to send an email when my customer indicaror gives a signal. But when I load the indicator, it sends all the past signals and makes the email dispatcher

stop send the email. It returns the error: "Mail: Not Enough Space For..."

Does anyone know how to solve the problem? Tks vm and waiting for your reply!

Don't send the past signals . . .
Don't send the past signals . . .

Could you indicate me how to do that?

Could you indicate me how to do that?
Not without seeing your code . . . it's your code, why don't you modify it to not send the past signals ?

logically, it's quite simple. the workflow is as follows:

int start()


//when condition satisfied

BufferDown[i]= High[i]+20*Point;

sendmail(xxx,xxx) ;

and all of this are coded as an indicator.

So just set a datetime variable in init() set to TimeCurrent() if you have a signal earlier than that don't email it . . . .
So just set a datetime variable in init() set to TimeCurrent() if you have a signal earlier than that don't email it . . . .

yes! that's a good idea. I am going to have a try. Many tks to u!

yes! that's a good idea. I am going to have a try. Many tks to u!
You are most welcome . . . you said something very important . . . you are " going to have a try. " :-) it's the best way to learn, if you need more help just ask.
You are most welcome . . . you said something very important . . . you are " going to have a try. " :-) it's the best way to learn, if you need more help just ask.
haha, you are really carefu, because i didn't stand by the coding machine just now. Now I am back and I have already modified the program and make it on the fly. Tks for ur immediate help:)
You are most welcome . . . you said something very important . . . you are " going to have a try. " :-) it's the best way to learn, if you need more help just ask.

I am running the new code for some days and find another problem. The solution you suggest is on the condition that once connecting to the server, it won't disconnect any once. Because if it's disconneted, the init() time is recorded, but the tick time in start() keeps refreshing.

So it still sends several mails since fisrtly connecting to the server.

but the tick time in start() keeps refreshing.
Update the variable after the sendmail so it only sends once per bar (var = Time[0] + Period() * 60;)