Showing another indicator out of my indicator



I want to call another "indicator B" out of my "indicator A"

Both are custom indicators.

I don't want to get definite values, only that it shows this indicator. So I want to use no buffers from "indicator A".

Perhaps it is possible through calling a script "show indicator B" out of my indicator A??

I hope you can understand my question!!

Seems unusual. I would think that if it was going to work you would use iCustom in indicator A and that would call indicator B. You can ignore the return value. The documentation does not explicitly say if this will work so why no try it?
I tried it with an iCustom call first in the indicator's init() function (which didn't work) and then in the start() function( which didn't work either). Frankly I didn't really expect it to work, but it was worth a try.

Thank you, I've also tried it without success.

Only the init-function from indicator B is working.

Can I go the indirect way and call a script out of indicator A to shows indicator B on each new bar??



Can I go the indirect way and call a script out of indicator A to shows indicator B on each new bar??

It's hard to understand your overall purpose with this since you apparently don't want the indicators to interact.

You can put as many indicators as you like on a chart and then save all of it as a template. Calling up the template automatically brings up all the indicators as required. Alternatively you can use an EA which calls up both indicators using iCustom calls.

I don't think an indicator can call a script.