How to get lowest Price of bar based on time (in any time frame)?



please i have the logic that gives me the number of the bars like so,,,

if i wan t o get the low of the bar number 5,,, how can i type it please,, thanks alot

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please i have the logic that gives me the number of the bars like so,,,

if i wan t o get the low of the bar number 5,,, how can i type it please,, thanks alot

ilow of the bar

a peice of my code iLow (NULL,PERIOD_H4,1);

returns low of the 4 hour previous


thanks alot,,

what is i want to modify this code

iLow (NULL,PERIOD_H4,1);

to get the lowest bar of the current time frame

not specific time frame

example : the code run in 5 min and 1 hour
if i wan t o get the low of the bar number 5,,, how can i type it please,, thanks alot


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