Attention MetaQuotes - do you provide an MT4 API for system integrators?


If so, what do I need to do to receive a copy?

Thanks, Chris.

Automated Trading Solutions Ltd.

Attention yourself, don't repeat your own posting. You already have one here. We can call moderator or even MetaQuote to remove you.

onewithzachy - I'm well aware I'm repeating myself but I still haven't received a response from MetaQuotes. I have visited the MetaQuotes website and been re-directed here for all things MT4.

By all means call MetaQuotes and point them at my thread but my request is simple. I know they actively participate here hence my post.


onewithzachy - I'm well aware I'm repeating myself but I still haven't received a response from MetaQuotes. I have visited the MetaQuotes website and been re-directed here for all things MT4.

By all means call MetaQuotes and point them at my thread but my request is simple. I know they actively participate here hence my post.

Tell us that in the first place.

Try to contact the moderator then. Obviously, if this is about business, they won't answer it in public place. And be polite a little, saying "Attention MetaQuotes", would not get any attention at all.

BTW. they're busy with MT5.

Here, check this, and read the site carefully.


I'm getting some PM asking about MT4 API. Well, I don't have one, mind you, so don't contact me again please.

If you like, you can search on Russian MQL4 forums, use Google translate to translate them, and search for API or MetaTrader API, or use Google advanced search to search the whole Russian forum.

All I know is MetaQuotes people spend most of the times in Russian, but I read one posting by Renat - somewhere in Russian forum - that MetaQuotes no longer provide API anymore.


PS. if you don't know what is Google translate or Google advance search, well, you can Google that.

Nevermind ...

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