Need help to do a script that draws automatically a vertical line at a certain time everyday in MT4


I need help to do a script that draws a vertical line automatically at a certain time everyday in MQL for MT4.

Thank you for your help.
What have you written thus far? Copy and paste your attempt using the SRC button above.
  1. learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.
  2. Use this and you would have found this

Nothing so far,

I wanted help to know if 1- it's possible and 2- What to use as fonctions.

Thank you,


Nothing so far,

I wanted help to know if 1- it's possible and 2- What to use as fonctions.

Thank you,

Well, WHRoeder provided you with the answer in the last link above, start there.

Nothing so far,

I wanted help to know if 1- it's possible and 2- What to use as fonctions.

Thank you,

Of course it's possible, you silly you.

Use either this :

TimeLocal ();
TimeCurrent ();
Time [n];

Work on it, and we'll help you :)


I will post the final code when its done! (patience)

Thank you all for your time!

Oh ... special thanks to WHRoeder!
  1. learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.
  2. Use this and you would have found this