Sucessful stragegy in SPOT GOLD trading manually_Pls help build EA.


Pls check my description attached/


Pls check my description attached/

please help build EA ???

What is it you have done so far to make this EA...... show your code if you wanna help

If you don't know how to code and you like get some help making an EA you have to learn first

If you want someone else to do it then don't expect we code it free

If you don't going to learn and do some coding but willing to pay then you can also place your request at Jobs

Enough coders there to do this job

I am actually intrigued by the system itself. Please, expand on it the .txt file is not enough for anyone to create any EA.
please help build EA ???
No Slaves here, learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.