how to allow 1 trade per day only

how to allow 1 trade per day only?
how to allow 1 trade per day only?

save the time when you open a trade.

before open next trade check if allready 1 day is passed

otherwise you can check for open trades and get the OrderOpenTime to check if 1 day was allready passed


thanks, is this also possible w/ a sleep command after the buy/sell condition?

fex. sleep = 86400;

how to allow 1 trade per day only?

Once per day or once after 24 hours? (open 2358, open 0002, 2 trades within 4 minutes but only once per day)

Open once per day or open after the last trade closes?

Saving the time in a static/global will not survive a terminal restart. Sleep will also not survive a terminal restart.

See Order History sort by closing date - MQL4 forum


Once per day or once after 24 hours? (open 2358, open 0002, 2 trades within 4 minutes but only once per day)

Open once per day or open after the last trade closes?

Saving the time in a static/global will not survive a terminal restart. Sleep will also not survive a terminal restart.

See Order History sort by closing date - MQL4 forum

i found this but getting a lot of unbalanced right parenthesis errors, how can this be fixed?

static  datetime    tradingAllowed;
int newCount = HistoryTotal();  static  int prevCount;
if (newCount != prevCount){                 prevCount = newCount;
    datetime lastClose;
    for(int pos=newCount-1; pos >= 0; pos--) if (
        OrderSelect(pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)   // Only orders w/
    &&  OrderCloseTime()    > lastClose                 // not yet processed,
    &&  OrderMagicNumber()  == magic.number             // my magic number
    &&  OrderSymbol()       == Symbol()                 // and my pair.
    &&  OrderType()         <= OP_SELL){    // Avoid cr/bal
        lastClose = OrderCloseTime();
    datetime lastClosePlus24Hrs = lastClose + 24 * 3600;
    datetime lastCloseNextDay   = lastClose % 86400 + 86400
    tradingAllowed = lastcloseNextDay;
if (TimeCurrent() => tradingAllowed){ ... }

i found this but getting a lot of unbalanced right parenthesis errors, how can this be fixed?

You are here working with OrderCloseTime

I wanna ask what is 1 trade per day only reading here

I get somehow the feeling that it is allowed to open a new trade when the last opened trade is opened atleast for 86400
seconds ago.... So OrderOpenTime but if the last one is still open and a day old is it then also allowed to do a new trade ?


compiling is working now, but not open any order ... it should block 2h from the last order

static  datetime    tradingAllowed;
int newCount = HistoryTotal();  static  int prevCount;
if (newCount != prevCount){                 prevCount = newCount;
    datetime lastClose;
    for(int pos=newCount-1; pos >= 0; pos--) if (
        OrderSelect(pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)   // Only orders w/
    &&  OrderCloseTime()    > lastClose                 // not yet processed,
    &&  OrderMagicNumber()  == Reference             // my magic number
    &&  OrderSymbol()       == Symbol()                 // and my pair.
    &&  OrderType()         <= OP_SELL){    // Avoid cr/bal
        lastClose = OrderCloseTime();
    datetime lastClosePlus24Hrs = lastClose + 2 * 3600;
    tradingAllowed = lastClosePlus24Hrs;
if (TimeCurrent() >= tradingAllowed) return(0);

Perhaps you mean . . .

if (TimeCurrent()  <=   tradingAllowed) return(0);  //  don't do anything else,  return

Perhaps you mean . . .

thanks, but could it be that it does not work at BT?

2011.01.20 21:14 buy 1 0.10 0.99661 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 750.003

2011.01.20 21:24 close 1 0.10 0.99773 0.99291 0.99781 11.23 761.23

2011.01.20 21:24 sell 2 0.10 0.99773 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 761.23


thanks, but could it be that it does not work at BT?

2011.01.20 21:14 buy 1 0.10 0.99661 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 750.003

2011.01.20 21:24 close 1 0.10 0.99773 0.99291 0.99781 11.23 761.23

2011.01.20 21:24 sell 2 0.10 0.99773 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 761.23

I don't know . . . test it, debug it, fix any issues . .

Of course it also depends on where in your code you have placed WHRoeder's code . . .


compiling is working now, but not open any order ... it should block 2h from the last order

Then I think you have to look to two different conditions for the time new tradingAllowed

if (time > OrderOpentime last trade + 86400 && time > OrderClosetime last trade + 2 * 3600)

then make tradingAllowed the biggest value of the two conditions