MT4 in a virtual machine ? - page 5


Yes that good in itself, but until atleast MY broker (and preferably more of them) offer MT5 I won't even think of rewriting all my code.

In the mean time I'll get the job done by the +4-fold increase in speed in W7/64, combined with the 10-fold increase from tick skipping.... combined we get some 40-fold increase in speed.

You code does skip ticks, but it does that in a way possible important informations might get lost.

Use code like this:

bool SkipTick(){
   static datetime curr=0;
   static double askHi=0;
   static double askLo=0;
   static double bidHi=0;
   static double bidLo=0;
      return (false);
      if(Ask>askHi || Ask<askLo){
      if(Bid>bidHi || Bid<bidLo){

to skip ticks without loosing important informations.

All Bar openings, as well as new highs and new lows are not skipped.

Good idea!

You code does skip ticks, but it does that in a way possible important informations might get lost.

Use code like this:

to skip ticks without loosing important informations.

All Bar openings, as well as new highs and new lows are not skipped.

I don't know if this would be an equivalent. However, one could remove the Volume information while importing data into mt4. By default, it'll use the minimum O-H-L-C or 4-Ticks, this helps speed up the back-testing.

Along those lines, have anyone tried entering Volume(s) of say 100 during a M1-data import?. My guess is that this should be a viable alternative to Tick-Data if it works. I planed to test it but never gotten around to it :)

All Bar openings, as well as new highs and new lows are not skipped.
Alternatively, see increase speed for strategy tester - MQL4 forum

My broker has now enabled MT5 on Live accounts and that makes it less academic. I wrote my first MQL5 indicator (to display the spread) last night and this evening I had a go at converting the speed test EA from the first page of this thread. Here it is ...

// MQL5 code

const int SECONDSPERHOUR=3600;

input int stops = 250;

double lots= 0.0;

int OnInit(){
    lots = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);
void OnDeinit(const int reason){ 
void OnTick(){
    static long lastHour=0;
    datetime now= TimeCurrent();
    long hourNow = SECONDSPERHOUR *(((long)now) / SECONDSPERHOUR); 
    if( lastHour== hourNow )
    lastHour= hourNow;
    MqlTick lastTick;
    MqlTradeResult result={0};
    MqlTradeRequest requestA={0};
    requestA.symbol= Symbol();
    requestA.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
    requestA.volume= lots;                 NormalizeDouble( lastTick.ask - stops*_Point, _Digits );    NormalizeDouble( lastTick.ask + stops*_Point, _Digits );

    if( result.retcode != TRADE_RETCODE_DONE )
        Print("BUY order failed: " + IntegerToString(result.retcode));
    MqlTradeRequest requestB={0};
    requestB.symbol= Symbol();
    requestB.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL;

    requestB.volume= lots;                 NormalizeDouble( + stops*_Point, _Digits );    NormalizeDouble( - stops*_Point, _Digits );
    if( result.retcode != TRADE_RETCODE_DONE )
        Print("SELL order failed: " + IntegerToString(result.retcode));

Now the idea was to compare speeds in the strategy tester doing like-for-like trades. Of course I forget the most fundamental change in MQL5. You can't hedge. In fact you can only ever have one position open per symbol by the looks of it. That means multi-strategy, separated by MAGIC_NUMBERS, seems to be impossible.

My test EA failed miserably as it just places a trade every hour to see how long it takes. Doing a like-for-like comparison this way is not possible :-(