MT4 in a virtual machine ? - page 4


Strange there is so much difference to mine i7 950 self overclocking to 3.3G.

Are you using Windows7 ?

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on Desktop, Win 7 Pro x64 on Laptop.

Now I see the problem. You have an American processor and you are talking to it in Norwegian ! It must be really confused :-)

But seriously, thanks for testing it and reporting back. Your machine is quite slow for its spec, but it's not a total disaster (defined as being 5x slower than mine for example)

Well... its a 64bit box but I'm running XP32 on it. As much as I hate Windows7 I'll still borrow a 64bit specimen and do a trial install... just to find out if BT will go faster. Other than that I'll kling to XP to the bitter end
Well... its a 64bit box but I'm running XP32 on it. As much as I hate Windows7 I'll still borrow a 64bit specimen and do a trial install... just to find out if BT will go faster. Other than that I'll kling to XP to the bitter end
I loved XP . . . but Windows 7 IS much better.

Just an update:

Got Windows7/64 installed on a Vertex3 SSD with a SATA3 controller. Checked seq. R/W and it was 550MB/s so this is SATA3 speed (HDD gave 50MB/s).

Result of the speed test is now 15 secs from start to finish. On XP32 on a HDD it was 82 secs, so this was a significant improvement.

Processor usage is still very low, at 16%.

I can't send link with video with parallel same computers / same notebooks but Ssd vs fastest Hdd comparison Win Vista, cause it would be spam with the link ;-) . Btw, machine with ssd was faster, 3x in time visual boot.. (It wasn't i-Ram, but notebooks).

Processor usage is still very low, at 16%.

That's to be expected with an Intel 4 core CPU
That's to be expected with an Intel 4 core CPU
Mind you, when MLQ5 goes fully live it sounds as though the multi-core processors will then really start to shine.

Yes that good in itself, but until atleast MY broker (and preferably more of them) offer MT5 I won't even think of rewriting all my code.

In the mean time I'll get the job done by the +4-fold increase in speed in W7/64, combined with the 10-fold increase from tick skipping.... combined we get some 40-fold increase in speed.

extern   bool     SkipTicks = false;//speedup, for use ONLY during Optimizing runs

//---------- START FUNCTION ---------------------------------
int start()
   if(TickSkipper()) return(0);//Skip some ticks (Start()-calls) for speedup
   return (0);
//---------- END START FUNCTION -----------------------------

//---------- TickSkipper ------------------------------------
bool  TickSkipper()
   if (!SkipTicks) return(false);
   static int RefCounter;
   if(RefCounter < 10)
      RefCounter ++;
   RefCounter = 0;
//---------- END TickSkipper --------------------------------

In the mean time I'll get the job done by the +4-fold increase in speed in W7/64, combined with the 10-fold increase from tick skipping.... combined we get some 40-fold increase in speed.

Nice :-)