Opening a saved chart

I've just started using MT4 again after a break of several years and am having trouble with even the basic tasks.
I saved a chart but can't find out how to open it again. I've tried all the buttons and searched the Help files without success.
I can open a new chart but if I do that I'm unable to change it from bars to candlesticks. Nothing happens when I click on
the candle symbol, or if I right-click and open "Properties" then click on Candlesticks. All help welcome.
I've just started using MT4 again after a break of several years and am having trouble with even the basic tasks.
I saved a chart but can't find out how to open it again. I've tried all the buttons and searched the Help files without success.
I can open a new chart but if I do that I'm unable to change it from bars to candlesticks. Nothing happens when I click on
the candle symbol, or if I right-click and open "Properties" then click on Candlesticks. All help welcome.

After several years.... How is your connection status looks like not activ

MT4 is updated several times in that period maybe you can download it again and see if that works....

. . . and if you are using Windows 7 or Vista you might be best NOT installing to either of the Program Files directories . . try C:\MT4-Installs\
Thanks for the suggestions. I should have said that I removed all old copies and downloaded a new one.
I'm using Windows XP.
Please will someone tell me how to open a chart I've saved? I've tried every button and icon I can see.
I can see "New Chart" and "Open Offline" etc. but can't see how to open the chart I saved.

I really don't understand what you mean by "saved chart" . . . perhaps you can explain how you saved your chart ? maybe you mean your profile that contains the charts you previously used ?

When I close MT4 with all my charts open . . when I start MT4 again it re-opens all my charts for me . . . I don't have to do anything.

Thanks for that. I probably do mean Profile. All I know is that I set the EURUSD H1 chart the way I wanted it - candlesticks not bars, etc. - and saved it but now can't open it again.
On starting MT4 the EURUSD H1 chart opens but with bars not candlesticks. If I go into Properties it has the Candlestick button ticked but no matter what I do I can't get it to show
candlesticks! It's all extremely frustrating.
Thanks for that. I probably do mean Profile. All I know is that I set the EURUSD H1 chart the way I wanted it - candlesticks not bars, etc. - and saved it but now can't open it again.
On starting MT4 the EURUSD H1 chart opens but with bars not candlesticks. If I go into Properties it has the Candlestick button ticked but no matter what I do I can't get it to show
candlesticks! It's all extremely frustrating.
Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7
As already stated, I'm using Windows XP.

I only have one chart and minimising it doesn't help with the problem I've got, namely that I can't change from bars to candlesticks!
I can click on the candlestick icon or I can right-click and open Properties and set it to candlesticks there, but nothing happens in either case!
As already stated, I'm using Windows XP.

I only have one chart and minimising it doesn't help with the problem I've got, namely that I can't change from bars to candlesticks!
I can click on the candlestick icon or I can right-click and open Properties and set it to candlesticks there, but nothing happens in either case!

I had this problem when I first started. My problem was that the chart zoom setting was wrong. You need to zoom out to see the candlesticks. Use the magifying glass icon with the "+" button.