Objects Disappearing


Objects keep disappearing from my charts. I think, but I'm not certain, that it only happens when I close and restart MetaTrader. It is the case for trendlines that I add with my EA, for trendlines that I add manually and for the little arrows that mark where I've done trades. I don't delete any objects through my EA. I've looked for answers on this forum and the main suggestion seems to be to see if my objects are set to only appear in certain timeframes. I've done this and they're not. They're always set to appear in every timeframe. The only thing that I can think is that possibly I am adding too many objects and should be deleting some of the old ones.

Anyone got any ideas on this?


Are you running any badly written Indicators that use ObjectsDeleteAll() in their deinit() ? or maybe it's a Windows 7/Vista and UAC and profile issue ?
Are you running any badly written Indicators that use ObjectsDeleteAll() in their deinit() ? or maybe it's a Windows 7/Vista and UAC and profile issue ?

I'm only using indicators that come with MetaTrader. And the older Objects are remaining in place (that's why I wonder if it might be that I'm adding too many Objects). So I don't think ObjectsDeleteAll can be being called. I'm using Windows XP.
Objects keep disappearing from my charts. I think, but I'm not certain, that it only happens when I close and restart MetaTrader.
options -> Server -> Keep personal settings and data at startup = checked?
options -> Server -> Keep personal settings and data at startup = checked?

Yes it is.

The platform does have a tendency to crash when I compile EAs. Perhaps it only saves Objects when it closes down (properly) and this is the reason. If so, it would be good if I could force them to be saved from within my EA.

When I turned my computer off yesterday the platform wouldn't close and prevented my computer from shutting down. I forced it to close and now the Objects have now disappeared. I'll try closing it manually before shutting down from now on.
Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7
Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7
I have Windows XP. Problem still happening.
I have Windows XP. Problem still happening.
Try closing the terminal and deleting <terminal>\config\terminal.ini - you'll loose the placement of open charts but it can start remembering things again.