volume between 2 points question , please?


hello, please if i have 2 points on chart

x1 and x2

how can i calculate the total volume between them and display it in the chart,,,

thanks alot

Volume of what ?
volume bars (volume of trading between 2 points)
  1. Do realize that forex volume is only the count of price changes from your broker?
  2. int x1 = ..
    int x2 = ..
    int vol= 0;
    // Assuming x2 > x1
    for (int iBar = x2; iBar >= x1; iBar--) vol += Volume[iBar];

  1. Do realize that forex volume is only the count of price changes from your broker?
Is it price changes only or is it ticks ? my understanding is that a tick can also be things other than price changes.

yes whroeder,, thanks alot,,, :)

Is it price changes only or is it ticks ? my understanding is that a tick can also be things other than price changes.

Not sure. A tick can be other things, but changing volume without a price change doesn't really make sense.

Even if so, the other parameters don't change very often, so would be minor noise volume. (IBFX averages 50-120 ticks/min. Some brokers double that, some half.)