What do the experts think of my price normalize function...


I made this function to normalize price if it needs to be rounded for pairs like gold with ordersends...

What do you guys think about it? Have I gone about it correctly?

  double normalizeprice(double price)
      if(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE)>MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT)) { return(NormalizeDouble(price, Digits-1)); }
      else { return(price); }
Normalize only works in multiple of 10. You need multiples of tick size. Do it Right:
double NormalizePrice(double p, string pair=""){
        // https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/135345 zzuegg reports for non-currency DE30:
        // MarketInfo(chart.symbol,MODE_TICKSIZE) returns 0.5
        // MarketInfo(chart.symbol,MODE_DIGITS) return 1
        // Point = 0.1
        // Prices to open must be a multiple of ticksize 
    if (pair == "") pair = Symbol();
    double ts = MarketInfo(pair, MODE_TICKSIZE)
    return( MathRound(p/ts) * ts );
double NormalizeLots(double lots, string pair=""){
    if (pair == "") pair = Symbol();
    double  lotStep     = MarketInfo(pair, MODE_LOTSTEP),
            minLot      = MarketInfo(pair, MODE_MINLOT);
    lots            = MathRound(lots/ls) * ls;
    if (lots < minLot) lots = 0;    // or minLot
Well... I guess I was way off. Thanks for your consistent help WHRoeder.


You use the variable ls in the MathRound(lots/ls) * ls, but as far as I can tell ls is not defined or calculated anywhere. Or am I blind? :-)

"far as I can tell ls is not defined"
lots = MathRound(lots/ls) * ls;
Maybe you could THINK. Compare the two almost identical routines. Understand the code - not just blindly cut and paste. Yes ls was not defined and lotStep was not used. Was that so hard?
lots = MathRound(lots / lotStep) * lotStep;