How do I break that one string variable, back into individual parts again?
You can use
int StringFind( string text, string matched_text, int start=0)
to find characters like ";" that delimit the fields then use
string StringSubstr( string text, int start, int length=0)
to chop the string up. Then
double StrToDouble( string value) int StrToInteger( string value) datetime StrToTime( string value)
to convert the sub-strings to the correct data type. This is very tedious work but you only have to get it working once.
Something like
double tokenD(string text, int& pos, string delim=",", double deflt=0){ return( tokenS(text, pos, delim, deflt) ); } int tokenI(string text, int& pos, string delim=",", int deflt=0){ return( tokenS(text, pos, delim, deflt) ); } datetime tokenDt(string text, int& pos, string delim=",", datetime deflt=D''){ return(StrToTime(tokenS( text, pos, delim, TimeToStr(deflt) ))); } string tokenS(string text, int& pos, string delim=",", string deflt=""){ int start = pos, end = pos, length = StringLen(text); for(; end < length; length++){ string chr = StringSubstr(text, end,1); if (chr == delim) break; if (chr == "\\"){ chr = StringSubstr(text, end+1,1); if (chr == "n") chr = "\n"; // NL else if (chr == "t") chr = "\t"; // tab else if (chr == "r") chr = "\r"; // return // "\,", "\'", and '\"' handled implicitly. "\xHH" not implimented. pos = end+2; return(StringConcatenate( StringSubstr(text, start, end-start), chr, tokenS(text, pos, delim,"") )); } } pos = end + 1; // Skip deliminator next time if (start == end) return(deflt); return( SubStr(text, start, end-start) ); } string test="1,2.3,10:23,ab\\,cd"; int pos=0; int A = tokenI(test, pos); // 1 double B = tokenD(test, pos); // 2.3 datetime C = tokenDt(test, pos); // today 10:23:00.00 string D = tokenS(test, pos); // "ab,cd"
Something like
OK... I'm working on this, but I cant get it to compile. I don't know if I'm putting it in the wrong place in the file.... I put it down at the bottom.
Here is the code from the original down load... can you tell me where to put your code, so it compiles correctly.? I can play with it from there.
From what I can see of the code, it is doing exactly what I need, if I could just get it to compile.
Thanks for the help... I've only been coding very part time for about 8 months... and still have tons to learn.
// #################################################################### // // Example receiver EA for the QuickChannel library. Designed to // receive messages from the sender-example, and simply logs them. // In real life, this receiver could parse the messages, e.g. // looking for its prices being better than those in the other // MT4 instance, and exploiting any arbitrage opportunity. // // The sender and receiver must use the same "channel" name, // defined in these examples by the ChannelName parameter. // You can safely have multiple senders on the same channel, e.g. // EAs running on lots of different charts, all sending their latest // prices to a single receiver. However, there should only ever // be one receiver using a channel. If there is more // than one, then each receiver will only see some of the messages // because retrieving the list of available messages from // a channel also clears the list of messages. // // A single EA can send on multiple channels by calling QC_StartSender() // more than once, and storing the different handle values for // later use with QC_SendMessage(). A single EA can also act as both // sender and receiver. // // #################################################################### // Imports from the QuickChannel library #import "MT4iQuickChannel.dll" int QC_StartReceiver(string, int); int QC_ReleaseReceiver(int); string QC_GetMessages(int); #import // Kernel logging function whose output can be viewed in Dbgview // ( // Easy way of checking how quickly messages are being transmitted. #import "kernel32.dll" void OutputDebugStringA(string msg); #import // External, user-configurable properties extern string ChannelName = "QuickChannelTest"; extern bool LogMessagesToDbgView = true; // Handle which is acquired during start() and freed during deinit() int glbHandle = 0; // EA initialisation. void init() { // N.B. The QC_StartReceiver function needs a call to WindowHandle(). // This can return zero during init() if an EA is loading while // MT4 starts up. Therefore, the setup needs to be done in // start(), not in init(), so that WindowHandle() is guaranteed // to return a value. } // EA termination. The sender will typically do QC_ReleaseReceiver() here. void deinit() { QC_ReleaseReceiver(glbHandle); glbHandle = 0; } // EA per-tick function. void start() { // Initialise receiving via QuickChannel. Return value is 1 if successful, or 0 // if initialisation fails. This handle gets stored in a global variable // for later use in start() if (glbHandle == 0) { glbHandle = QC_StartReceiver(ChannelName, WindowHandle(Symbol(), Period())); if (glbHandle == 0) { Alert("Failed to get a QuickChannel receiver handle"); } } // Don't do anything unless initialisation was successful... if (glbHandle != 0) { // Get all messages which have been sent since the last // check to QC_GetMessages(). If there are multiple // pending messages then this will return a tab-separated // list. The call to QC_GetMessages() wipes the list while // retrieving it. string strMsgList = QC_GetMessages(glbHandle); // If we get a message from the example sender, then // we simply log it if (strMsgList != "") { // There may either be one message, or multiple messages // separated by tabs. // // The list is in the order that the messages were sent. // In some scenarios you may need to process it // in REVERSE ORDER, e.g. because the list includes // two prices for the same symbol and you only want // to use the more recent report. string Messages[]; StringSplit(strMsgList, "\t", Messages); for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize(Messages); i++) { string strMsg = Messages[i]; if (LogMessagesToDbgView) OutputDebugStringA("..." + strMsg); Comment(strMsg); Print(strMsg); } } } } // Function which splits a delimited piece of text into its // component parts. Used to process the potentially // tab-separated list from QC_GetMessages() void StringSplit(string InputString, string Separator, string & ResultArray[]) { ArrayResize(ResultArray, 0); int lenSeparator = StringLen(Separator), NewArraySize; while (InputString != "") { int p = StringFind(InputString, Separator); if (p == -1) { NewArraySize = ArraySize(ResultArray) + 1; ArrayResize(ResultArray, NewArraySize); ResultArray[NewArraySize - 1] = InputString; InputString = ""; } else { NewArraySize = ArraySize(ResultArray) + 1; ArrayResize(ResultArray, NewArraySize); ResultArray[NewArraySize - 1] = StringSubstr(InputString, 0, p); InputString = StringSubstr(InputString, p + lenSeparator); if (InputString == "") { ArrayResize(ResultArray, NewArraySize + 1); ResultArray[NewArraySize] = ""; } } } }
have you files
QuickChannel_Example_Receiver.mq4 ?
I am installing quick channel, but I don´t have this two files.
Thank you, Endy
i think it should be
double tokenD(string text, int& pos, string delim=",", double deflt=0){ return( StrToDouble(tokenS(text, pos, delim, deflt)) ); } int tokenI(string text, int& pos, string delim=",", int deflt=0){ return( StrToInteger(tokenS(text, pos, delim, deflt)) );
- I did say untested
- I was thinking double = string and int = string are implicit conversions.
I have written/tested
int SubstrToInteger(string what, int start=0, int count=EMPTY){ string substr = StringSubstr(what, start, count); int value = StrToInteger(substr); return(value); } double SubstrToDouble(string what, int start=0, int count=EMPTY){ string substr = StringSubstr(what, start, count); double value = StrToDouble(substr); return(value); }
So probably yes.

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I am using quick channel that I down loaded from
I have discovered how to have the sending broker ea send all the data that I want to the receiving broker ea.
However, once received, I do not know how to break it back up into individual data points that I can use.
The data comes into the receiving broker ea as one variable. A string... but in that string are several variables... bid, ask, account equity, etc., etc., etc.,
How do I break that one string variable, back into individual parts again?