store profit value to be used as an indicator .....

hi..guys.... i created an indicator with values from the total profit of the opened orders....whenever i restart the platform or refresh the screen, the data gets do i make the data persistent??..
Write the data to a file . . . read the stored data from said file . . . . or alternatively use GlobalVariables they are persistent for 4 weeks.

hi dude.....i did as u said...but it keeps on creating a new file instead of appending values to it....the following s the code snippet....i suppose FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE should open the file in append mode, but it doesn't...what might be the prob??

handle=FileOpen("profit.txt", FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE)

To append values you need to skip to the end of the file by using SEEK_END as the origin and 0 as the offset.

handle=FileOpen("profit.txt", FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE);
FileSeek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
// Free to write data at end of file
string str = "Insert info here";
FileWriteString(handle, str, StringLen(str));

What your doing is just opening the file and writing straight to it. The other way is to loop through all the lines of data:

handle=FileOpen("profit.txt", FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE);
string str = FileReadString(handle);
// Do stuff with information 
// File pointer is now at end so any FileWrite's will add to end of file
str = "To be added";
FileWriteString(handle, str, StringLen(str));

Now I use FileWriteString here but you can use the others as well, I just tend to use strings for files. Either method will add data to the end of a file.

hi heelflip43, ur code paste helped me a lot, but now only the very first value is getting read, how do i make the indicator take up all values and use it??