MT4 to Excel


I know how to get MT4 to write data to excel.

Is there code that you can write to excel from MT4 so the excel will create a graph on the data.

For instance I have evaluated 10 days so I write 1,2,3,...10. and I have the close price for these days 1.5555,1.5344,....... and I want to chart a table days vs closing price.

Is this possible to do from Mt4 without doing it manually?

Is this possible to do from Mt4 without doing it manually? Yes, code it or Pay someone else to.
Is this possible to do from Mt4 without doing it manually? Yes, code it or Pay someone else to.

Is it possible for someone to lead me to resources where I can learn to do it. I am familiar with coding, I am just not well versed in coding in this aspect. I am not asking for free answers just to be pointed in the right direction.
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