How to refer to a particular time - page 3

datetime ejfel = StrToTime("00:00");
int shift=iBarShift(NULL,PERIOD_M15,ejfel,true);
  1. Either you always specify the period or never (use NULL instead.) if you use High[nyitohigh], your code breaks on any chart not M15.
  2. You can use StrtoTime, or how I showed previously

No, because Time[x] returns a datetime . . . but you can do . . .

read up on TimeHour

Hi people
Pesky business took all my time for a while there, but back to coding now

Thanks for all these replies

I was considering just using some such code for this trading time range also I see now there are many different ways to go about this.
if(Hour() >= 2 && Hour()<17)

Thanks again
One last question about Datetime constants and the datetime format used for iBarsShift

I see the documents here about it:

I'm trying to select a candle something like this perhaps

if(TimeToStr(Time[1]) == 7:15)
Print(Low[1], " 7:15 low");

I know 7:15 is not the correct datetime method; and yet this is where I'm having trouble comparing daily reoccurring time

IBarsShift indicates the same datetime scheme for the datetime constant but it appears to be only for a partcular datetime and not reoccuring daily time.

I'm assuming I have to use IBarsShift to find out the shift to search for that particular bars time and it returns the shift for that bar then I can use the shift to select that candle and use it's data.
At least thats how I'm seeing it.

I could probably work through what I am trying to do if I could figure out how to select a daily reoccuring time rather then a specific time during 1 particular date.
And one that has the same format at Time[] or TimeToStr(Time[]) or some such method so that I can make the comparison and use the data for that candle

I'm not completely convinced I wan to use IBarsShift because I don't really want to search for a bar by open time either

I want to know when Time[1] or even Close[1] == a_particular_time

Please advise

One last question about Datetime constants and the datetime format used for iBarsShift

I see the documents here about it:

I'm trying to select a candle something like this perhaps

if(TimeToStr(Time[1]) == 7:15)
Print(Low[1], " 7:15 low");

I know 7:15 is not the correct datetime method; and yet this is where I'm having trouble comparing daily reoccurring time

Why not just calculate the datetime value for 7:15 ? How ?

Calculate the datetime for midnight . . . add on ( (7 * PERIOD_H1) + 15) * 60

datetime for midnight

Why not just calculate the datetime value for 7:15 ? How ?
Calculate the datetime for midnight . . . add on ( (7 * PERIOD_H1) + 15) * 60

Just like I already posted, previously, on THIS thread

Agent86: If you're not going to bother reading what we've posted and learning, we're waisting our time with you.


Just like I already posted, previously, on THIS thread

Yeah, but that was last year . . . everyone has slept since then ;-)

Why not just calculate the datetime value for 7:15 ? How ?

Calculate the datetime for midnight . . . add on ( (7 * PERIOD_H1) + 15) * 60

datetime for midnight


So I could code something like:

datetime time_select = ( (7 * PERIOD_H1) + 15) * 60
if(Time[1] == time_select)
Print(Time[1], '' and", Low[1]);

But what is PERIOD_H1 value when not being used as a timeframe enumeration value for an indicator. I don't see anything in the documentation about using this in another way.

But this does sound like what I'm after for selecting a particular time to compare it with the time of a particular candle

Just like I already posted, previously, on THIS thread

Agent86: If you're not going to bother reading what we've posted and learning, we're waisting our time with you.

Thanks for the response

I did read your post which was regarding a time range or range / filter and I understood the conclusion but not the equations completely

By your answer I have to assume that I don't understand how to create an expression that would compare something like if(Time[1] == 7:15) in it's proper form because I don't understand the equations you posted.

datetime now = Time[0],
         bod = now - now % 86400,
         HR1800 = bod + 18*3600,
         HR2100 = bod + 21*3600;
if (Time[1] >= HR1800 && Time[1] < HR2100) ...

Please confirm

I do not mean to ask the same questions if this is actually the same answer that I needed, but I did not think it was or I would not have asked it again.


Yeah, but that was last year . . . everyone has slept since then ;-)

No doubt.
I really wanted learning mql quickly and spend much more time on it
Unfortunately my business is a complete nuisance which consumed way too much time that past year.
I've made some adjustments so hopefully I can proceed consistently once again.

Thanks everyone for the responses

So I could code something like:

datetime time_select = ( (7 * PERIOD_H1) + 15) * 60
if(Time[1] == time_select)
Print(Time[1], '' and", Low[1]);

But what is PERIOD_H1 value when not being used as a timeframe enumeration value for an indicator. I don't see anything in the documentation about using this in another way.

You really need to start learning your way around the documentation . . .

Go to any function that uses a TimeFrame and you will see timeframe enumeration . . . and it links to here: Timeframe enumeration and that will tell you that Period_H1 is a value of 60 . . . in other words 60 minutes . . . 60 mins * 60 = seconds . . . datetimes are in seconds.

What you have coded won't work . . your time_select is NOT a datetime . . . remember, what is a datetime ? from the Documentation . . . "datetime type (integer representing the amount of seconds elapsed from midnight, 1 January, 1970)." if you want a datetime that means 7:15 am it has to be the number of seconds that have elapsed from 1 Jan 1970 to 7:15am today . . .

What you ave calculated is the number of seconds from Midnight to 7:15am this morning, and that is not a datetime.