Mt4 platform flashes on and off "Not Responding"

My platform flashes the "Not Responding" at the top left of the platform. This goes on and off all the time. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, used different brokers, installed in different files. The charts sometimes flash on and off, when I am trying to configure an Ea that I have open it just suddenly disappears when it flashes "not responding" and then the Ea will apprear again when the "not responding" goes off. This on and off can happen many times each minute and then sometimes it doesn't do it for some long period of time. Any ideas what is causing this??
My platform flashes the "Not Responding" at the top left of the platform. This goes on and off all the time. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, used different brokers, installed in different files. The charts sometimes flash on and off, when I am trying to configure an Ea that I have open it just suddenly disappears when it flashes "not responding" and then the Ea will apprear again when the "not responding" goes off. This on and off can happen many times each minute and then sometimes it doesn't do it for some long period of time. Any ideas what is causing this??

Hi oldchartreader,

That happens to me when I have too many indicators in the indicator file and try to re-compile them. I get a "not responding" and the platform locks up.

MT4 seems to allow only aprox. 90 indicators in the indicator files before it slows down and shows "not responding". My quick solution is to delete some indicators and it works fine until I add more indicators to the file and it again shows "not responding"...

Also, depending on your EA's, they may be calling indicators that have problems, or the platform is overloaded with EA's and indicators.

The clues regarding "not responding" get very complicated to figure out.

Start with minimizing the number of indicators in your indicator files...and make sure the indicators your EA's are calling all work without problems.

Then minimize the number of EA's you are using to try and track the problem down...if it's not the indicators directly.

Hope this helps,



Indicators run in the GUI thread so not responding is caused by one or more of:

  1. Too many indicators on too many charts (each combination of pair, TF, and parameters is a separate indicator.)
  2. Indicators redrawing all bars instead of just changed ones, recode properly
    #define DRAW_BEGIN 0 // If indi uses MA(length) draw_begin = length
    int counted = IndicatorCounted();
    if (counted < DRAW_BEGIN) counted = DRAW_BEGIN; // Don't look past last candle
    for (int iShift = Bars - 1 - counted; iShift >= 0; iShift--){ ...

  3. Too many bars on chart (reduce the option)