Rectangle overlay and mix color ...


Hello Everybody,

when i set rectangle objects that overlay, their color mixes up like they are transparent. However, how can i change that, so the color stays the color i set up for the rectangle?

really annoying ...

thanks for any help!


really annoying ...

thanks for any help!

Yep, I think you have to live with it, there is no concept of moving object in front or behind others . . .
Yep, I think you have to live with it, there is no concept of moving object in front or behind others . . .


ok and how about making them intransparent?


Actually this is, at least for lines Displaying of Support/Resistance Levels - MQL4 Articles

Won't help with rectangles though. You'll have to split the 'non-top' rectangle into pieces and remove the overlapped portions.

Just typed, not checked, not tested:
    string name, double hi, double lo, datetime left, datetime right, color clr,
    double top_h, double top_l, datetime top_left, datetime top_right
    if (hi > top_h){
        rect(name+"1", hi, MathMax(lo, top_h), left, right, clr);
        hi = top_h;
    if (lo < top_l){
        rect(name+"2", MathMin(hi, top_l), lo, left, right, clr);
        lo = top_l;
    if (left < top_left){
        rect(name+"3", hi, lo, left, MathMinDt(right,top_left), clr);
        left = top_right;
    rect(name+"4", hi, lo, left, right, clr);
datetime MathMaxDt(datetime a, datetime b){ if (a > b)  return(a);  return(b); }
datetime MathMinDt(datetime a, datetime b){ if (a < b)  return(a);  return(b); }
void rect(string name, double hi, double lo, datetime left, datetime right, clr)
    if (hi <= lo || left >= right) return;
    if      (ObjectMove( name, 0, left, hi ))     ObjectMove(name, 1, right, lo);
    else if (!ObjectCreate( name, OBJ_RECTANGLE, WINDOW_MAIN, left, hi, right, lo ))
        Alert("ObjectCreate(",name,",OBJ_RECTANGLE) failed: ", GetLastError() );
    if (!ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clr )) // Allow color change
        Alert("ObjectSet(", name, ",Color) [2] failed: ", GetLastError());

Actually this is, at least for lines Displaying of Support/Resistance Levels - MQL4 Articles

Won't help with rectangles though. You'll have to split the 'non-top' rectangle into pieces and remove the overlapped portions.

Just typed, not checked, not tested:

Thank you for that code, although this would be to complicated for that issue ... i chooesed colores that mix up to the color i want it to be ...

The graphical interface of mt4 ist not very friendly ;-)


Thank you for that code, although this would be to complicated for that issue ... i chooesed colores that mix up to the color i want it to be ...

The graphical interface of mt4 ist not very friendly ;-)

It is a lot simpler, the color is a bit mask

This function gives you the required value

color mask_color(color back, color front)
back ^=front;


The first object you give any color you like, IE, Blue, the second object you do:

ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_COLOR, mask_color(Blue,Green)); -> green is the desired color

Have fun ;-)

<Duplicate post removed>


Oh thank you, that is a nice way!


Excuse me for dredging up an old thread, but this has been bugging me for a while. I've been having to use rect labels in my indis to get overlapping colours to display how I want them.

The function above works great, but only on a chart with a black background. If your chart has a background of any other colour, you need to add a third parameter to get the correct mask colour:


color MaskColour(color back, color front, color chartBackground) {
   back ^= front;
   back ^= chartBackground;
   return back;

I connect to this old thread because I'm looking for a solution without using bitmap images. I do not understand how I can integrate this code in my:

color mask_color(color back,color front)
      color chartBackground=(color)ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_COLOR_BACKGROUND);

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime& time[],
                const double& open[],
                const double& high[],
                const double& low[],
                const double& close[],
                const long& tick_volume[],
                const long& volume[],
                const int& spread[])
         ObjectSet   ("Up",OBJPROP_COLOR,mask_color(White,Blue));
         ObjectSet   ("Dw",OBJPROP_COLOR,mask_color(White,Blue));
It blows my mind that after 10 years this forum is still super relevant to MQL developers around the world. Seeing you people talking so confidently about "this cannot be fixed easily" gives me a great peace of mind that I am not the only one with a headache. Sadly in my case its a big problem.