Error 129 on OrderClose()


Hi guys

I have a serious problem I cannot fix:

When I try to close a SELL operation by EA, I get always 129 error.

I post the code:

Alert("Attempting to close the ticket " + ticket);




buffer = buffer+(ticket+"="+"1"+","); // I need this line to communicate with my Java server


Alert("Error! Closing not allowed following the error ",GetLastError());

buffer = buffer+(ticket+"="+"-1"+",");


I try to execute this code several times before quitting.

Ads you can see, i put a very large slippage to make sure it's not a problem of tiny restriction.



Please use this to post code . . . it makes it easier to read.

Can you please show more of your code . . for example, where are you doing the OrderSelect() ?

Let me try...

Alert("Attempting to close the ticket " + ticket);




	buffer = buffer+(ticket+"="+"1"+","); // I need this line to communicate with my Java server


	Alert("Error! Closing not allowed following the error ",GetLastError());

	buffer = buffer+(ticket+"="+"-1"+",");// I need this line to communicate with my Java server


Yeah, it works.

Can you help me?

I repeat my question . . where is your OrderSelect ?
Can you please show more of your code . . for example, where are you doing the OrderSelect() ?

Of course... just a moment:
//|                                                  MACD Sample.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                              |

   int       lastTicket = -1;
   double    takeProfit = 0.0012;
   string    file_extension   = ".csv";
   string    buffer;
//|                                                                  |

   void currentValueWriter() {
      string period_string_file;
      period_string_file = "1";

      string strline2 = DoubleToStr(iOpen  (Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1), 4);
      string strline3 = DoubleToStr(iHigh  (Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1), 4);
      string strline4 = DoubleToStr(iLow   (Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1), 4);
      string strline  = DoubleToStr(iClose (Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1), 4);
      string strline5 = DoubleToStr(iVolume(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1), 4);
      string strline6 = DoubleToStr(Bid, 4);
      string strline7 = TimeToStr  (TimeCurrent(),TIME_SECONDS);

      double strline_intero=StrToDouble(strline);
      double strline_intero2=StrToDouble(strline2);
      double strline_intero3=StrToDouble(strline3);
      double strline_intero4=StrToDouble(strline4);
      double strline_intero5=StrToDouble(strline5);
      double strline_intero6=StrToDouble(strline6);

      int history_data_close  = strline_intero*10000;
      int history_data_open   = strline_intero2*10000;
      int history_data_high   = strline_intero3*10000;
      int history_data_low    = strline_intero4*10000;
      int history_data_volume = strline_intero5;
      int history_data_bid    = strline_intero6*10000;
      string filename = Symbol() + "_curr" + file_extension;

      int handle = FileOpen(filename, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, "\t"); 
      FileWrite(handle, history_data_open+","+history_data_high+","+history_data_low+","+history_data_bid+","+history_data_volume+","+strline7);
   } // end method currentValueWriter()

int start()
  // Viene scritto su file il valore corrente
      string   filename =  "a_"+Symbol()+".csv";
      int      handle   =  FileOpen(filename,FILE_CSV|FILE_READ,";");
      string   input        =  FileReadString(handle);
      int index = 0;
      int newindex = 0;
      int k = 0;
      buffer = "";
      while( index < StringLen(input) && newindex >= 0){
         newindex = StringFind(input,",",index);
         string s = StringSubstr(input,index,newindex);
         index = newindex+1;
         Alert("Stringa letta : " + s);
         int subindex      =  StringFind(s, "=", 0);
         string id      =  StringSubstr(s,0,subindex);
         string sNumber =  StringSubstr(s,subindex+1,StringLen(s));
         int number     =  StrToInteger(sNumber);
         // Viene gestita la posizione letta dal file      
         int lastTicket;
         if(number >= 1) {
         //if(currentPosition == 0){
            //lastTicket = ApriPosizioneEuro();        
         //}else if(currentPosition == -1){
               lastTicket = ApriPosizioneEuro(id);
         //} // end if - else
         } else if(number <= -1) {  
         //if(currentPosition == 1){   
            //lastTicket = ApriPosizioneDollaro();
         //}else if(currentPosition == 0){
               lastTicket = ApriPosizioneDollaro(id); 
            //} // end if - else  
         } else if(number == 0){
            Alert("Richiesta di chiusura del ticket: "+id);
            int currentPosition;
            int total=OrdersTotal(); 
            if(total >= 1) {
               // Viene richiesto al sistema l'elenco degli ordini correnti
               OrderSelect(id, SELECT_BY_TICKET); 
               int ticket = OrderTicket();
               //double price = OrderOpenPrice();
               if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
                  currentPosition = 1;        
               } else {
                  currentPosition = -1;        
               } // end if - else
               if(currentPosition == 1) {
               } else if(currentPosition == -1) {
               } // end if - else
            } // end if - else
      //buffer = "g";
      //Alert("writing output to file...");
      if(StringLen(buffer) > 0){
         string output = StringSubstr(buffer,0,StringLen(buffer)-1);
      //   writeSimpleResponse("");
      //Alert("stop expert");
  int ApriPosizioneEuro(string id) {
      int ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.03,Ask,25,0,0,"commento",0,0,CLR_NONE);
      Alert("Posizione Euro aperta: ticket ",ticket);
      if(ticket < 0) {
         Alert("Errore! posizione non aperta per errore ",GetLastError());
      } // end if
      buffer = buffer+(id+"="+ticket+",");
      return (ticket);
   } // end metodo ApriPosizioneEuro()

   int ApriPosizioneDollaro(string id) {
      int ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,0.03,Bid,5,0,0,"commento",0,0,CLR_NONE);
      Alert("Posizione Dollaro aperta: ticket ",ticket);
      if(ticket < 0){
         Alert("Errore! posizione non aperta per errore ",GetLastError());
      } // end if
      buffer = buffer+(id+"="+ticket+",");
      return (ticket);
   } // end metodo ApriPosizioneDollaro()

   void ChiudiPosizioneEuro(int ticket) {
      Alert("Attempting to close the ticket " + ticket);

         buffer = buffer+(ticket+"="+"1"+",");
         Alert("Errore! posizione non chiusa per errore ",GetLastError());
         buffer = buffer+(ticket+"="+"-1"+",");
   } // end metodo ChiudiPosizioneEuro(int)

   void ChiudiPosizioneDollaro(int ticket){
      Alert("Attempting to close the ticket " + ticket);
         buffer = buffer+(ticket+"="+"1"+",");
         Alert("Errore! posizione non chiusa per errore ",GetLastError());
         buffer = buffer+(ticket+"="+"-1"+",");
   } // end metodo ChiudiPosizioneDollaro(int)
   void overrideInputFile(){
      //Alert("Override del file di input...");
      string filename = "a_" + Symbol() + ".csv";

      int handle = FileOpen(filename, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, "\t"); 
      FileWrite(handle, "");

      //Alert("Fine override del file di input");


I suspect that you may be trying to close a position on the Euro using the Dollar Ask price or a position on the Dollar using the Euro Ask price.

Add more Print statements to your code, for example, Print("Current chart is ", Symbol());


I suspect that you may be trying to close a position on the Euro using the Dollar Ask price or a position on the Dollar using the Euro Ask price.

Add more Print statements to your code, for example, Print("Current chart is ", Symbol());

It wouldn't work in closing Euro position, too. Do I mistake? But it works for Euro (buy) positions...

What chart do you have this EA on ?
What chart do you have this EA on ?


5 minutes

There's an indicator I use just to give me historical data, no interference with the operations.


OK, you have, possibly, many problems . . for example, this can't work . . .

string id      =  StringSubstr(s,0,subindex);   //  <-----   id  is declared as a string

     // Viene richiesto al sistema l'elenco degli ordini correnti

    OrderSelect(id, SELECT_BY_TICKET);  //       <-----   id is a string,  OrderSelect wants an  int . . .

    int ticket = OrderTicket();
    if(currentPosition == 1) {
        ChiudiPosizioneEuro(StrToInteger(id));     //  <-----   id is a string and is probably a currency pair . . . ChiudiPosizioneEuro  wants a ticket as an int
        } else if(currentPosition == -1) {