Newbie questions


To the best of my knowledge and belief I have now opened a MQL5 account.  I wish to copy a trader
but I cannot seem to locate where to fund my account and don't know if somehow I am to connect
to my TradeRush account.  Help Please


To the best of my knowledge and belief I have now opened a MQL5 account.  I wish to copy a trader
but I cannot seem to locate where to fund my account and don't know if somehow I am to connect
to my TradeRush account.  Help Please

  • As you posted here, you obviously have an mql5 account.
  • To fund your mql5 account, see this article.
  • To subscribe to a Signal, read this article.

I hope you have understood correctly.

How to Subscribe to Trading Signals

  • As you posted here, you obviously have an mql5 account.
  • To fund your mql5 account, see this article.
  • To subscribe to a Signal, read this article.
Thank you angevoyageur,  I posted funds via PayPal,  where in MQL5 do I see my account balance?
I see nothing under profile that leads me to it.
Thank you angevoyageur,  I posted funds via PayPal,  where in MQL5 do I see my account balance?
I see nothing under profile that leads me to it.
After you start MT5 look in the Journal tab, it should tell you your balance.
After you start MT5 look in the Journal tab, it should tell you your balance.

Thank you RaptorUK,  I found that...I have filled out the info to fund via PayPal.  I have repeated
that deposit twice....but I show no activity in PayPal or there a help center I can contact
to see why I am unsuccessful?    I find MQL5 difficult locate things in.


Thank you RaptorUK,  I found that...I have filled out the info to fund via PayPal.  I have repeated
that deposit twice....but I show no activity in PayPal or there a help center I can contact
to see why I am unsuccessful?    I find MQL5 difficult locate things in.

You can contact the Service Desk,  go to your Profile,  on the left hand side is a link to the Service Desk,  or click this link:  Service Desk
You can contact the Service Desk,  go to your Profile,  on the left hand side is a link to the Service Desk,  or click this link:  Service Desk
Thank you again for your help.