To Bid or to MODE_BID that is the question


I was creating some code and was wondering about Bid price when it is between 2 points.

For example if(Bid < High[5] && Bid > Low[1]) Print("Bid is between High[5] and Low[1]") or something similar ? Any problem with this ?

Or should I be using MODE_BID ? Or perhaps none of this ?

Please advise


Why use a function call when the simpler variable exists?

Here. They are the same thing for the current Symbol(). Therefore makes no difference. If the program has been doing allot of processing or sleeping before coming to your above command then its advisable that you RefreshRates() to update the Bid and Mode_Bid because they may have changed as time passed.

I'm pretty sure you don't need to do a RefreshRates if you use MODE_BID . . . RefreshRates only applies to the Predefined variables
Thanks for the correction, I wasn't too sure.