Do you think Smilies would be a helpful addition to this Forum ? - page 2

This Poll will close soon . . . please vote 

How do you think Chaucer or Dickens would vote? If at every turn we choose to express tragedy, trial or tribulation, joy, merriment and love of life through means of a little cartoonish "thing", the world would surely lose, little by little, the very thing that has kept the human spirit alive. Is this urge for instant gratification, acknowledgement, acceptance, titillation, amusement, not destroying the very concept of what it is to live a meaningful communicate wholeheartedly, to love with depth and understanding, and to learn earnestly.

You would be doing the human race a great service by banishing them. So if you want to kill us all, and humanity (i suspect you do), then go right ahead...put smilies on the forum. 


How do you think Chaucer or Dickens would vote? If at every turn we choose to express tragedy, trial or tribulation, joy, merriment and love of life through means of a little cartoonish "thing", the world would surely lose, little by little, the very thing that has kept the human spirit alive. Is this urge for instant gratification, acknowledgement, acceptance, titillation, amusement, not destroying the very concept of what it is to live a meaningful communicate wholeheartedly, to love with depth and understanding, and to learn earnestly.

You would be doing the human race a great service by banishing them. So if you want to kill us all, and humanity (i suspect you do), then go right ahead...put smilies on the forum. 

I am not a Chaucer or a Dickens,  many,  perhaps even most, on this Forum do not have English as their first language . . .   smiles help them, and me, to add clarity to their posts and show some of the emotion that is often missing from Forum posts. 

By the way you missed the urge for clarity from your list     Adding smiles does not prevent anyone from expressing themselves in a purely textual way . . .  they would be optional not mandatory.

They are a scourge, they promote laziness and represent the wholesale dumbing down of humanity, along with all the other nonsensical distractions thrown at us day in day out, and you should ban them for that reason alone. Take a stand! They increase loneliness, feelings of isolation and existential angst in the enquiring mind; where in days gone by we were to search hard for the soul of another through intimacy and tact, if we were ever to find it, but were always left in hope no less, with the notion that there might be such a thing; something impossible to fake, that depth of the subjective individual yearning to be loved... now all we have is a naff cartoon or a three letter acronym denoting comedic hysteric, readily available with the movement of a thumb, where even the sociopath can seem human like. They are the nightmarish subcultural equivalent of the Chucky doll; they mask malice, feign understanding, and promote emotional duplicity. If that's not a waking nightmare, i don't know what is.


If you want to facilitate it, go right ahead. But remember, we reap what we sow. 

I think a vote for minimal smiles set



 If you want to facilitate it, go right ahead. But remember, we reap what we sow. 

If only it were up to me I would have done it a long time ago,  but it isn't . . . so you can rest easy and start a thread where you encourage people to wax lyrical about OOP and all things mql5   

I'm not interested in your soul . . .  I would, however,  like to know if you are being serious or exercising an overly dry sense of humour,  I can't tell from what you have written,  can you add a smiley,  it would help me 

"I would, however,  like to know if you are being serious or exercising an overly dry sense of humour,  I can't tell from what you have written,  can you add a smiley,  it would help me"


If you can't tell then you are already dead inside. 


"I would, however,  like to know if you are being serious or exercising an overly dry sense of humour,  I can't tell from what you have written,  can you add a smiley,  it would help me"


If you can't tell then you are already dead inside. 

I guess so . . never mind eh 
This Poll will close soon . . . please vote 
Where is moderator! Ban this man for using smilies before its officially introduced. Abusing moderator power to use future features while everyone else cant!