Errors in journal and trades not completing.



My MT4 has not been copying my signal correctly and caused me to lose some money.

I looked in the journal and see several errors:

 Credits: authorization failed (503)

Credits: authorization failed (send request failed [12029])

Signal - not found update signal  

Signal - failed to link signal position #-------------- 

Signal - failed to link signal position #--------------

 Signal - subscription not found

ping failed 

Credits: authorization failed (receive response failed [12002]) 


In between these errors there are also sometimes where it says "subscription found" or other things that look like it is working fine. This is running on a VPS... could this be a poor internet connection on the VPS? I have to be able to trust this and I lost money overnight because of this issue so I would like to know how to prevent it...

 Thank you 


In between these errors there are also sometimes where it says "subscription found" or other things that look like it is working fine. This is running on a VPS... could this be a poor internet connection on the VPS? I have to be able to trust this and I lost money overnight because of this issue so I would like to know how to prevent it...

 Thank you 

Nothing can be done on the forum, you have to write to ServiceDesk and/or VPS provider.
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We therefore attach great importance to all user reports about issues in our programs and try to answer each one of them.

I was hoping someone else had the same issue before so they could tell me how they solved it...




I was hoping someone else had the same issue before so they could tell me how they solved it...



People who have such issue aren't very active to help others. And people who helps people don't have such issue. :-D

Haha, ok that makes sense. I emailed my VPS provider (who is also my broker) maybe I just need a better VPS. It seems like my VPS lost the connection to the signal server. Terrible!! It must be 100% reliable!


Thank you for answering. 


Haha, ok that makes sense. I emailed my VPS provider (who is also my broker) maybe I just need a better VPS. It seems like my VPS lost the connection to the signal server. Terrible!! It must be 100% reliable!

What do you expect for $0 per month . . .  is it free ?
What do you expect for $0 per month . . .  is it free ?

No it is not free... not technically. I need a certain trading volume for it to be free, otherwise it is billed. As for what I expect, I expect it to work as advertised, free or not. A respectable company wouldn't (or shouldn't) be giving out junk VPSs I think!

 Anyway I am waiting for them to answer. I might ask them where their servers are located geographically so I can find my own VPS. I can't do anything if I cannot rely in the trades being properly copied. 


No it is not free... not technically. I need a certain trading volume for it to be free, otherwise it is billed. As for what I expect, I expect it to work as advertised, free or not. A respectable company wouldn't (or shouldn't) be giving out junk VPSs I think!

Do you know any Brokers that are respectable companies ?  my experience of their technical support suggests they are far from respectable . . .  my experience may be atypical though 
Do you know any Brokers that are respectable companies ?  my experience of their technical support suggests they are far from respectable . . .  my experience may be atypical though 
With this criterium, is Metaquotes a respectable company ? :-D
With this criterium, is Metaquotes a respectable company ? :-D
Certainly more respectable than many Brokers,  but they still have much room for improvement.  I am an eternal optimist 
Being respectable is one thing, but... when it costs me money, an annoyance becomes a serious problem. I will look for a solid VPS hosting company and get off of the free one the broker offers.