is it possible to see chart in reverse Axis in metatrader


Hello ;

I would like to know if it 's possible in metatrader 4 to see charts in reverse axes like in Excel where we can inverse chart ??

if not can we do that in programming code for example we try to make candlestick but in reverse axes ??

thanks for your help


The chart is the chart, so no.

use mirror


Yes, it 's like a mirror !!

qjol >> I try to see the code and I adapt if it 's possible cause I think it's chart about 2 currencies

you right but u can use it for the same currency 2

Yes, it 's like a mirror !!

qjol >> I try to see the code and I adapt if it 's possible cause I think it's chart about 2 currencies

if you interested in the study of how currencies are related technically, without having to reverse axes, overlay charts, etc, and what not, try CORRELATIONS.

OANDA has good grasp in this:

hope this can give more and better ideas, esp. before cracking into the editor.

Gratis, Diego "Hand Of God"

thanks, it 's really interresting