Monitor Price?


I can’t seem to wrap my head around this if someone could please help me. I have two prices that I calculate for both a long and short entry. I want the EA to follow price so that if it breaks my long price it initiates buy after a pip and if it breaks my short price it initiates a sell after a pip.

I’m ok with the OrderSend code I’m not sure how the best way to monitor price when my target is reached to initiate the order.

int start(){
   if (Bid => longEntry + pip2dbl){       // open long
   else if (Bid <= shortEntry - pip2dbl){ // open short

Is Bid and Ask price only taken at the close of the bar? I was trying to figure how to do it just as soon as it crossed in more as in price comes in... Thanks

start() is run for each tick . . . assuming it completes before the next tick arrives . . . for each tick there is a new price.

I made this function and it works just fine. It follows price until it gets between a long and short entry prices. When that condition is met it then looks for a break of one of those prices in the start(). But when the price breaks those points the function signals its in the wrong place and a trade does not occur. I'm trapped in it....

int locate_price()
      if(level[1,2] == 1)
         if(Ask>level[1,1] && Ask<level[2,1]){
         return (1);
         else {
         return (0);
      if(level[1,2] == 2)
         if(Bid<level[1,1] && Bid>level[2,1]){
         return (2);
         else {
         return (0);
  1. Do your levels in Bid only. Ignore the Ask (except in the order send.)
    static double BidPrev;
    bool previousInside = level[1,1] > Bid && Bid < level[2,1],
         signalBuy      = previousInside && Bid > level[1,1],
         signalSell     = previousInside && Bid < level[2,1];
    BidPrev = Bid;

  2. Self document your code so you can understand it.
    #define xxxxx   0 // are you using zero?
    #define UPPER   1       // level[x
    #define LOWER   2
    #define COUNT1  3
    #define PRICE   1       // level[,y
    #define STATE   2
    #define COUNT2  3
    #define OUTSIDE 0   // state
    #define INSIDE  1
    double level[COUNT1, COUNT2];  // Did you size your array to at least [3,3]
    #define SIGNAL_NONE 0
    #define SIGNAL_BUY  1
    #define SIGNAL_SELL 2
    int locate_price()
          if(level[UPPER,STATE] == OUTSIDE)
             if(Ask>level[UPPER,PRICE] && Ask<level[LOWER,PRICE]){
             return (SIGNAL_BUY);
             else {
             return (SIGNAL_NONE);
          if(level[UPPER,STATE] == INSIDE)
             if(Bid<level[UPPER,PRICE] && Bid>level[LOWER,PRICE]){
             return (SIGNAL_SELL);
             else {
             return (SIGNAL_NONE);

Your code is so elegant mine I just bash with a blunt instrument to try and make it work. Thanks!