static array ? - page 4

For i=Bars in the second loop it prints all the array elements but not the values, and all = 0

I'm confused

took out the ending i-- in the first loop oops. but had no effect


With one small change your code seems to do something . . .

2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[0]= 0
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[1]= 0
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[2]= 0
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[3]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[4]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[5]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[6]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[7]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[8]= 0

When you read the Book about Arrays did you see where it said this ?

"When declaring an array, data type, array name and number of elements of each dimension must be specified:"


With one small change your code seems to do something . . .

2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[0]= 0
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[1]= 0
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[2]= 0
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[3]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[4]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[5]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[6]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[7]= 0.8202
2011.09.21 11:24:41 2007.04.05 21:11 Agent86_5min AUDUSD,H1: v1[8]= 0

When you read the Book about Arrays did you see where it said this ?

"When declaring an array, data type, array name and number of elements of each dimension must be specified:"

Yes I did

My understanding was that double v1[] decided the data type globally and before the start()
Then [i] initialized the array telling it how many elements are in the array in this case 1 dimension with elements = Bars, however the number changes during deincrementing of i--.
right ?

So if it's deincrementing the number of elements then how does the buffer store and post the indicator if the number of elements is no longer there ?
Or I guess I should say what happens to the elements as they deincrement [i] ?
Do they just disappear ? Are they still stored in v1[i] to be referenced or are they gone ?

If I can figure this out perhaps I may be able to understand how to reference them or if they are gone then I can figure out how to hold them for use.
The thing I don't get is the else statement seems to be able to reference v1[i]=v1[i+1] So how can it reference v1[i] if at that point v1[i] = 0 when I print at this point.

This sort of makes sense to = 0 in some sense because if the array is empty then it would print the empty array as 0 since there are no elements in the array.

I'm not sure I really understand it but I keep thinking about it and reading the document it over and over again.

Now considering Bars if Bars has more then 1 number associated with it then the dimension could be different then what I'm thinking.
So I guess I'll read up more on that too to be sure I understand what i actually is.

I had though it was just a single number count as in Bar=the number of bars on the chart
When I print Bars it give me 1002 on the 5min chart and I am thinking this is a single dimension.

I'll keep working on it.


If you want to make an Array bigger (or smaller) you need to use ArrayResize . . . an Array is just like any other variable . . it's just that there can be many of them that you can access easily . . .

Copy this code and run it as a script, what do you think the output will be ?

//|                                                  TestArray.mq4   |
//|                      Copyright © 2011, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2011, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""

// #property indicator_chart_window

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   double test[];
   test[39] = 45.6;
   Print("test[39]= ",test[39] );


2011.09.21 07:54:26 none EURUSD,M5: removed
2011.09.21 07:54:26 none EURUSD,M5: uninit reason 0
2011.09.21 07:54:26 none EURUSD,M5: deinitialized
2011.09.21 07:54:26 none EURUSD,M5: test[39]= 0
2011.09.21 07:54:26 none EURUSD,M5: initialized

This is what the script produces I copied it exactly

I just double clicked it and it ran and this is what appears in the experts tab

The journal of the script just says
2011.09.21 07:54:26 Script none EURUSD,M5: removed
2011.09.21 07:54:26 Script none EURUSD,M5: loaded successfully

I thought I should see 45.6 as the output ? am I wrong ?

I created my own fixed array[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}

And seem to be able to Print[5] or Print[3] etc.

let me put the braces in and see the script again


OK, good . . now edit this line . .

. . . and try again.

double test[];


double test[40];
2011.09.21 08:07:58 none EURUSD,M5: uninit reason 0
2011.09.21 08:07:58 none EURUSD,M5: deinitialized
2011.09.21 08:07:58 none EURUSD,M5: test[39]= 45.6

Darn, got to run out be back in couple hours.

Maybe I can think about this some more while driving


There really isn't anything to think about . . .

"When declaring an array, data type, array name and number of elements of each dimension must be specified:"

You need to declare the number of items in the array . . .


I thought the declaration of the number of elements was done with v1[i] ? since i=Bars I thought it was the same as saying v1[Bars] which is whatever that number is

If it's not declared I don't understand how the indicator would know what v1[i] is if I can't reference it either ?
This same script works on the indicator version and stores this in the buffer of v1[] so how does it know how to reference the buffer in order to draw the line ?

It's currently working on the indicator. Is this a different subject ?


Yes, Indicator buffers are handled differently to ordinary arrays.

v[i] is not declaring the Array, it's just one of the elements . . but double v[]; is an array with zero elements . . so v[anything] always = 0