MT4 chart transfer to Internet site


I am trying to incorporate my MT4 charts onto my Internet site. But it appears not that easy. Can anybody give me a good advice on how to do it. Thank you.


You need to be a little more specific about what you are trying to achieve . . . do you mean a live chart, snapshots ? do you just want to take a screen grab and put that on your webpage as a GIF ?

Single charts are easy, mql4 has a function for taking chart grabs,

Live charts are another thing. I believe the data feed is property of your broker so posting a live chart would get you in real legal trouble.
Live charts are another thing. I believe the data feed is property of your broker so posting a live chart would get you in real legal trouble.

Thank you for your help. I'd like to have a real time live chart. I do not think I'll have to much of a problem with it. But let's take one step at a time. How do I get it placed on the Internet site? The chart itself with data deed could be obtained from Yahoo. But then I'll have to find a way to place signals on it. So the first thing first - can I have my MT4 chart placed on my Internet site? I really appreciate your help.