string "constant" + valueofvariable;


I am wondering if there is a way to initialize a string with a constant plus the value of a variable.

Is there a way to do this or do I have use a include file and initialize 100s of 1000s of similar strings

As an exsample:

string "A"+x;//should be the same as:
string A1;

I am wondering if there is a way to initialize a string with a constant plus the value of a variable.

Is there a way to do this or do I have use a include file and initialize 100s of 1000s of similar strings

As an exsample:

you should use



I am wondering if there is a way to initialize a string with a constant plus the value of a variable.
string VARIABLE = "A"+x;

Learn the language THEN code and THEN ask questions.


Sorry, I don't think I made my queston clear. I don't want to assign a variable "A"+x, I want to create the variable "A"+x a.k.a A1 so I can assign it a value to it, for example A1=5 so-> 5+StrToDouble(A1)=10. I get an A-variable expected error with-> string "A"+x. I have als tried StringConcatenate but that won't work either.

Does anyone know how to do this?


Sorry, I don't think I made my queston clear. I don't want to assign a variable "A"+x, I want to create the variable "A"+x a.k.a A1 so I can assign it a value to it, for example A1=5 so-> 5+StrToDouble(A1)=10. I get an A-variable expected error with-> string "A"+x. I have als tried StringConcatenate but that won't work either.

Does anyone know how to do this?

I understood your question, you are talking about the variable name not it's value, talking about initializing a variable probably sent people off on the wrong direction . . . I don't know for a fact but I suspect that what you want to do isn't possible.

Perhaps if you explain what you are trying to achieve (end result) there may be another way to implement it . . .

  1. Sent me off.
  2. If you want a collection of variables, use an array

    initialized to constants:

    int A[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40 }; // A[2] == 30


    int A[4];
    A[0] = 1*10; A[1] = 2*10; A[2] = 3*10; A[3] = 4*10;

  3. If you want given a string set/get a value, create a table with access functions
    SetValue("A", 10); SetValue("B", 20); SetValue("C", 30); SetValue("D", 40);
    int v = GetValue("C");  // 30
    string  key[];
    int     value[];
    void SetValue(string key_, int value_){
        int iLimit = ArraySize(key) 
        for (int iKey = 0; iKey < iLimit; iKey++){
            if (key[iKey] == key_){ value[iKey] = value_;   return; }   // Existing
        ArrayResize(key, iLimit+1);     key[iLimit]     = key_;         // New
        ArrayResize(value, iLimit+1);   value[iLimit]   = value_;
    #define INF 0x6FFFFFFF  // Not quite infinite, Jul 2029, or 1,879,048,191
    int GetValue(string key_){
        int iLimit = ArraySize(key) 
        for (int iKey = 0; iKey < iLimit; iKey++){
            if (key[iKey] == key_){ return(value[iKey]);            }   // Existing
        return(INF);                                                    // Not found


Number 2 might work if I wanted to inialize a bunch of var's at once but I want to avoid that and I also need a way to refer to them later on without the full name. Idealy I want to be able to do this:

static int increasingnumber;
string "A"+increasingnumber;//"A"+increasingnumber doesen't work
string "B"+increasingnumber;//"B"+increasingnumber doesen't work
//I need to replace "A"+increasingnumber with something that works

Not sure I understand why you can use arrays . . .

string A[100];  //"A"+increasingnumber doesen't work
string B[100];  //"B"+increasingnumber doesen't work

static int increasingnumber;

A[increasingnumber] = 12;
B[increasingnumber] = 235;

You saved my life RaptorUK, now I don't have to scrap hours of code. I was about to give up on the people of MQL4 forum and was worried there was nothing built in mql4 to do such a seemingly simple thing. Thanks again.


You saved my life RaptorUK, now I don't have to scrap hours of code. I was about to give up on the people of MQL4 forum and was worried there was nothing built in mql4 to do such a seemingly simple thing. Thanks again.

It's only the same as what
WHRoeder mentioned in his point 2 above . . just arrays . . . they are available in all programming languages I have come across. Glad you have a route to progressing with your code :-)