Help with EA CODE


My EA compiles with no error, but for some reason It will not start test in the strategy tester? Is there any error in my code that creates a bug.

I downloaded the pivot points from My server is GMT +2, so my input for using iCustom() with pivots is -2.

here is my code

int start()
     R2 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)",-2,1,0);
     R3 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)",-2,0,0);
     S2 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)",-2,5,0);
     S3 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)",-2,6,0);
     cci = iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_TYPICAL,0);
     Hcci_1 = iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_HIGH,1);
     Hcci_2 = iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_HIGH,2);
     Hcci_3 = iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_HIGH,3);
     Lcci_1 = iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_LOW,1);
     Lcci_2 = iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_LOW,2);
     Lcci_3 = iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_LOW,3);
     int i = 0;
     //check time 
     if( Hour() != 10 )
       while(10 != iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,i) )i++;
       cciLow = iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_TYPICAL,0);
       for(int j = 0; j<i; j++)cciLow = MathMin(cciLow,iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_LOW,j));
       for( j = 0; j<i; j++)cciHigh = MathMax(cciHigh,iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_HIGH,j));
     HpercentCCI = (0.9*cciHigh);
     LpercentCCI = (0.9*cciLow);
     //********************************************************  SIGNAL ONE  FOR BULL/BEAR *********************************************************
    // while(iBarShift(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,);
     if( (Close[1] > iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)",-2,1,0))&&(Close[1] < iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)",-2,1,0) )&&(iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_TYPICAL,0)>= HpercentCCI) )
        BULLsig1 = true;
        Qhour = Hour() + 2;
        if( MathMod((Minute() + 30),60) < Minute())
          Qminute = MathMod((Minute() + 30),60);
        else Qminute = Minute() + 30;
        //sets the time we must wait to set up second signal
        QtimeConst = StringConcatenate(Year(),".",Month(),Day()," ",Qhour,":",Qminute);
        Qtime = StrToTime(QtimeConst);
     else BULLsig1 = false;
      if( (Close[1] < iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)",-2,5,0))&&(Close[1] > iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)",-2,5,0) )&&(iCCI(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,20,PRICE_TYPICAL,0)<= LpercentCCI) )
        BEARsig1 = true;
        if( MathMod((Minute() + 30),60) < Minute())
          Qminute = MathMod((Minute() + 30),60);
        else Qminute = Minute() + 30;
        //sets the time we must wait to set up second signal
        QtimeConst = StringConcatenate(Year(),".",Month(),Day()," ",Qhour,":",Qminute);
        Qtime = StrToTime(QtimeConst);
      else BEARsig1 = false;
     //******************************************************   SIGNAL TWO FOR BULL/BEAR ************************************************************
     Ctime = StrToTime( StringConcatenate(Year(),".",Month(),Day()," ",Hour(),":",Minute()));
     if( (Ctime > Qtime)&&(BULLsig1 == true) )
         for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
             if(Close[k] > R2)TC++;
         if(TC >= 5)BULLsig2 = true;
         else BULLsig2 = false;
      if( (Ctime > Qtime)&&(BEARsig1 == true) )
         for( k = 0; k < 5; k++)
             if(Close[k] < S2)TC++;
         if(TC >= 5)BEARsig2 = true;
         else BEARsig2 = false;
    //************************************************* SIGNAL THREE FOR BULL/BEAR***********************************************
    if( (BULLsig2 == true)&&(High[0]> R3 - 0.0006)&&(cci < 100) )
       BULLsig3 = true;
    if( (BEARsig2 == true)&&(Low[0]< S3 + 0.0006)&&(cci > 100*(-1) ) )
       BEARsig3 = true;
    //************************************************* SIGNAL FOUR FOR BULL/BEAR***************************************************
    if( (BULLsig3 == true)&&(Hcci_1 <100)&&(Hcci_2 <100)&&(Hcci_3 <100) )
      BULLsig4 = true;
    else BULLsig4 = true;
     if( (BEARsig3 == true)&&(Lcci_1 > 100*(-1))&&(Lcci_2 > 100*(-1))&&(Lcci_3 > 100*(-1)) )
      BULLsig4 = true;
    else BEARsig4 = true;
    //*********************************************** ORDER PLACEMENT ***************************************************************
   //code for bull order
    if( (BULLsig4 == true)&&(orderset) )
      //SL = Ask - 0.0024;
             RiskAmount = AccountEquity()*(EquityPercent / 100);
              TickValue = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE);
              if(Point == 0.001 || Point == 0.00001)TickValue *= 10;
              CalcLots = (RiskAmount/StopLoss) / TickValue;
              LotSize = CalcLots;
      SL = Bid + (StopLoss*PipPoint(Symbol()));
      TP = (R3 + R2)/2;
     // TP = MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_ASK) + (TakeProfit*PipPoint("EURUSD"));
      Ticket1 = OpenSellOrder(Symbol(), LotSize, GetSlippage(Symbol(),Slippage),SL,TP, MagicNumber,  "Buy Order");
      Ticket2 = OpenSellOrder(Symbol(), LotSize, GetSlippage(Symbol(),Slippage),SL,0, MagicNumber,  "Buy Order");
      orderset = true;
    if( (BEARsig4 == true)&&(orderset) )
             RiskAmount = AccountEquity()*(EquityPercent / 100);
              TickValue = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE);
              if(Point == 0.001 || Point == 0.00001)TickValue *= 10;
              CalcLots = (RiskAmount/StopLoss) / TickValue;
              LotSize = CalcLots;
      SL = Ask - (StopLoss*PipPoint(Symbol()));
      TP = (S3 + S2)/2;
      Ticket1 = OpenBuyOrder(Symbol(), LotSize, GetSlippage(Symbol(),Slippage),SL,TP, MagicNumber,  "Buy Order");
      Ticket2 = OpenBuyOrder(Symbol(), LotSize, GetSlippage(Symbol(),Slippage),SL,0, MagicNumber,  "Buy Order");
      orderset = true;
   //***************************************************** IF TARGET HIT BRING STOP TO BREAKEVEN AND AIM HIGHER(modify order)*******************
if(TotalOrderCount(Symbol(), MagicNumber)>0 )
      if(OrderSelect(Ticket2,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES ))
          if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
            TP2 = R2*(1.05);
             SL2 = OrderOpenPrice();
              TP2 = S2*(0.95);
             SL2 = OrderOpenPrice();
         while(breakeven != true)
          breakeven =   AddStopProfit(Ticket2, SL2, TP2);
    //****************************************************  CHECK IF ORDERS ARE CLOSED TO RESEST STRATEGY variables for future trade*******************************
    if((OrderSelect(Ticket1,SELECT_BY_TICKET)== true)&&(OrderSelect(Ticket2,SELECT_BY_TICKET)== true))
       Ticket1 = -1;
       Ticket2 = -1;
       BULLsig1 = false;
       BULLsig2 = false;
       BULLsig3 = false;
       BULLsig4 = false;
       BEARsig1 = false;
       BEARsig2 = false;
       BEARsig3 = false;
       BEARsig4 = false;
       TP = 0;
       SL = 0;
       TP2 = 0;
       SL2 = 0;
       breakeven = false;
       orderset = false;
       Qhour = 0;
       Qminute = 0;
        Qtime =0;//Qualifying time
        Ctime = 0;//current time
        QtimeConst = "notime";
When you saved the Indicator did you rename it from Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted).mq4 to something else ?
When you saved the Indicator did you rename it from Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted).mq4 to something else ?

I downloaded it twice. I have one called Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted).mq4 and one called Pivot Points. Neither work when I put it in the code

I downloaded it twice. I have one called Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted).mq4 and one called Pivot Points. Neither work when I put it in the code

But you are not calling either of them in your code . . you are calling Pivot Points Daily(Shifted).mt4

iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,  "Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)"  ,-2,1,0)
My EA compiles with no error, but for some reason It will not start test in the strategy tester? Is there any error in my code that creates a bug.
I downloaded the pivot points from
  1. Not starting has nothing to do with the iCustom. Look in the journal. Add a Print to start so you know if it is starting or not.
  2. R2 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points Daily(Shifted)",-2,1,0);
    From name of the file is "Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted).mq4" not "Pivot Points Daily(Shifted).mq4"
    Thats "Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted).mq4" unless you renamed it.
    #define PPD_S "Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted)"
    R2 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,PPD_S,-2,1,0);
    R3 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,PPD_S,-2,0,0);
    S2 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,PPD_S,-2,5,0);
    S3 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,PPD_S,-2,6,0);

But you are not calling either of them in your code . . you are calling Pivot Points Daily(Shifted).mt4

R2 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,"Pivot Points - Daily(Shifted)",-2,1,0);

I changed it to this but it still does not work

  1. Not starting has nothing to do with the iCustom. Look in the journal. Add a Print to start so you know if it is starting or not.
  2. From name of the file is "Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted).mq4" not "Pivot Points Daily(Shifted).mq4"
    Thats "Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted).mq4" unless you renamed it.

I tried this suggestion. But how will the print statements help if it the strategy tester will not start the EA. is there another way to use the print statements?

I deleted all my pivot point indicators and downloaded fresh without renaming it. and tried your suggestion but it still did not work.

 R2 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,PPD_S,-2,1,0);
     R3 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,PPD_S,-2,0,0);
     S2 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,PPD_S,-2,5,0);
     S3 = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30,PPD_S,-2,6,0);

I tried this suggestion. But how will the print statements help if it the strategy tester will not start the EA. is there another way to use the print statements?

I deleted all my pivot point indicators and downloaded fresh without renaming it. and tried your suggestion but it still did not work.

Could it be that I dont have an ex.4 file for the Pivot Points - Daily (Shifted) indicator?
Did you copy the Pivot Points Daily(Shifted).mq4 file into your \experts\indicators directory and then restart MT4 ? when MT4 starts it will compile the mt4 file and make an ex4 file.
Did you copy the Pivot Points Daily(Shifted).mq4 file into your \experts\indicators directory and then restart MT4 ? when MT4 starts it will compile the mt4 file and make an ex4 file.

Yes I did do that. So I guess I cant find the problem

Yes I did do that. So I guess I cant find the problem
Can you go through what you are doing to get this EA to run in the Strategy tester . . . for example, do you have history data for the date period you are trying to run ?