How to complete this to add moving averages of the indicator values?


Please use this to post code . . . it makes it easier to read.


In these lines of code . . .

BuyersMaBuffer[i] = iMAOnArray(BuyersBuffer,0,MaPeriod,0,MaMode,i);

SellersMaBuffer[i] = iMAOnArray(SellersBuffer,0,MaPeriod,0,MaMode,i);

. . . you use these variables, BuyersBuffer, SellersBuffer & i . . . what are these variables and how can you hope to use them without declaring them ?

If you aren't interested in coding and learning don't bother to try and answer . . just go here instead:

If you are interested in coding and want to learn think about the question, give an answer and people will help you.


Any guidance welcomed. I wish I were a better programmer but I am learning.

OK, look at your variable i what does it do ? you declare it and then what ? you can't just copy & paste code and hope for the best . . you need to learn how an Indicator works, what makes it tick.

Take your time, read and understand this if you want to learn :