first tick of a new bar?


I new to MT4.

I think I remember reading somewhere in the dictionary a way to determine if the tick that's being processed is the 1st tick of a new bar, but I can't find it now.

Can anyone help?



I take it I am wrong in thinking there is a function that does this. Oh well.



I take it I am wrong in thinking there is a function that does this. Oh well.

I posted a little code snippet that might help . . .
Bars is unreliable (won't change when you reach max bars in chart.) Volume is unreliable (you can miss ticks) Always use time.
int start(){
   static datetime Time0;
   bool newBar = (Time0 != Time[0]);  Time0 = Time[0];

I don't use a function here because it can only be called once per tick, (subsequent calls will always return false.) Alternatively:

int start(){
   static datetime Time0;
   if (Time0 == Time[0]) return;  Time0 = Time[0];