Error Handling. Does Anyone Have A Great Example - page 2


. . . . rather than paste a whole bunch of code from some place which you don't understand, and then do a post-mortem as to why it wiped out your account balance.

It almost sounds like you are suggesting that using some error handling code can wipe out your account . . . LOL

By the way . . . this is what I said.


. . . read it, follow it, understand it . . . it will help you.

I didn't say "take it as gospel" or "use it as it is" . . . . I said learn from it.

Rather than criticising why don't you post up some code that you consider to be not "over-kill" and that doesn't contain "unconventional/fanciful/weird formatting/indenting" . . .

I didn't say "take it as gospel" or "use it as it is" . . . . I said learn from it.

I've already argued the reasons why it would not help - do you have a problem understanding English?
//Open on new M5 bar
if (open_conditions(v1,v2,v3...))
   Print("who cares if we miss this one, the next one will open if conditions are still appropriate");

do you have a problem understanding English?
OK, it's pretty obvious you want to have a shouting match with someone rather than a sensible discussion, go find a mirror and enjoy yourself.
OK, it's pretty obvious you want to have a shouting match with someone rather than a sensible discussion, go find a mirror and enjoy yourself.

Please don't avoid the question, which particular bit do you have a problem with?

You said "learn from it". I said "bad advice" - which bit do you disagree with?


Please don't avoid the question, which particular bit do you have a problem with?

You said "learn from it". I said "bad advice" - which bit do you disagree with?

OK, your actual question was "do you have a problem understanding English?"

My answer is as follows: No I do not have a problem understanding English.

You didn't actually say "bad advice" . . . you did say this "just because someone "strongly suggest" something doesn't make it gospel. " . . . my strong suggestion was that the OP should "read it, follow it, understand it" where did I say use it or take it as gospel ?


OK, your actual question was "do you have a problem understanding English?"

My answer is as follows: No I do not have a problem understanding English.

You didn't actually say "bad advice" . . . you did say this "just because someone "strongly suggest" something doesn't make it gospel. " . . . my strong suggestion was that the OP should "read it, follow it, understand it" where did I say use it or take it as gospel ?

Let me be definitive - bad advice, read/follow/understand something that is not good for you is bad advice and a waste of time.

Ok, you are not preaching gospel. One should take your postings with a grain of salt, fine.

You haven't posted anything useful anything anyway except misconceptions, and some blind faith in someones code. Topic closed.


Let me be definitive - bad advice, read/follow/understand something that is not good for you is bad advice and a waste of time.

Ok, you are not preaching gospel. One should take your postings with a grain of salt, fine.

You haven't posted anything useful anything anyway except misconceptions, and some blind faith in someones code. Topic closed.

Everyone should take my posts with a grain of salt, absolutely ! ! I make plenty of mistakes, I'm far from being correct all the time . . . I try to help where I can, I don't just turn up looking for a row !

You are just plain wrong in this statement "read/follow/understand something that is not good for you is bad advice and a waste of time." reading something such that it can be followed and understood is not bad for anyone . . it only increases ones knowledge, even if at the end of it one decides that it is no good.

Why are you in such a bad/angry mood ? is there anything anyone can help you with ?

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.