need help to get volume off each bar on chart


pleas help me to get code for volume off each bar insted off high-low on the chart

below is high-low i wanted to get volume off each bar on chart pleas help to code

#property  indicator_chart_window

extern int MinRange=50;
extern int LookBack=1000;
// --- Init & Deinit ----------------------------------------------------------
int init()     { return(0); }

int deinit()   
   for(int i=LookBack; i>=0; i--)
return(0); }

// --- Main Function call -----------------------------------------------------
int start()
   double GetRange; bool BarUP;
   for(int x=0; x<LookBack; x++)
      GetRange=(High[x]-Low[x]); if(Digits<4) GetRange=GetRange*100; else GetRange=GetRange*10000;
      if (Open[x]<Close[x]) BarUP=1; else BarUP=0;
      if (GetRange > MinRange)
         if (BarUP==0)
            ObjectCreate(""+x, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[x],Low[x]-5*Point );
            ObjectSetText(""+x, ""+DoubleToStr(GetRange,0), 10, "Arial", Red);
         if (BarUP==1)
            ObjectCreate(""+x, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[x],High[x]+7*Point );
            ObjectSetText(""+x, ""+DoubleToStr(GetRange,0), 10, "Arial", Blue);


// --- End of Main Function ---------------------------------------------------


pleas help me to get code for volume off each bar insted off high-low on the chart

below is high-low i wanted to get volume off each bar on chart pleas help to code

Try this . . .


thnkas for reply but

i am unable to code bye using above link can anyone help me to code pleas .

thnkas for reply but

i am unable to code bye using above link can anyone help me to code pleas .

Yes it is quite technically challenging . . . here you go . . .

int Volume_Is = Volume[x];
i am unable to code bye using above link can anyone help me to code pleas .
There are No Slaves here, learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you.