parametr to called dll function



I haved read some topics about this problem but i don't find a solution.

in my c++ code i have:

void __stdcall DLL_EXPORT exportdata(std::string [1] data);

and :

void DLL_EXPORT exportdata(string [2] data)

in mt4:

#import "mt4_dll1.dll"
   void      exportdata(string [5] data);



string valeur =  ";";  exportdata(valeur);

What i have to put on

because i obtain ass result of some combimation of "*" or "&" "0" or 2 different hex data/addr "0x123456" ass result (or a critical error in mt4)

I'm sorry for my eng. And thanks you for any idea.

hm. I have understand the principe but i obtain the same result.

The best one is with:

struct MqlStr
    int len;
    char* string;

in the c++ code, but the result is "0".

Some idea?


strings will be passed as pointers to ordinary good old fashioned null-terminated C strings.

void foo(char *s)

the above mentioned struct with the length is only used in arrays of strings. There it will pass a pointer to an array of these structs. Don't use it unless you really want to pass arrays to the dll.


why it's don't work tjis mornning at 1 o'clook? :]

thanks to all