help required...



I am newish to Trading and Forex but am also a real idiot with Computers..Once I am set up I am fine...However I need someone to sit with me, (I live near Northampton) and explain the basics of MetaTraders, set up wht I need and to integrate another system onto this...Any recommendations for good sites with alerts, support and resistance levels would be appreciated! Zahara

Take local beginners computer and programming courses.



If you're a newbie to computer science, then I'd recommend starting somewhere else than MT4, like crash course in either c (not ++) or java. Those are so basic that it's a shame to not know them. Then some background into windows workings and then hardware.........

As you're probably only interested in MT4 and/or trading,... why don't you start with a few starting chapters of the Book (in main menu) and then take a look around on, look at articles, forex.

I'm not really sure what to recommend in ways of digital knowledge, I had the luck to have books on forex lent to me by a friend.... If you're not afraid of taking books in your hands, I can give you some titles..... and to be honest, they include most of what you need for succesful trading.

Reading the before mentioned mql4 book in title will help a lot, so will code base and articles.. It will take you time :I