Will code EA's, indicators and scripts for a fee


Hi everyone,

I'm a recently graduated computerengineer with a lot of programming/coding experience. I'm willing to code some EA's, scripts and indicators in return of a fee. Note that I'm only available to start coding the first of august 2011 since I'm currently on a holiday. I'm posting this message now in order to get some response by then.

If you want something coded you can send a request to StrategyCoder@gmail.com. Please mention clearly all relevant details about the functionality you want implemented so that there can be no misconceptions on my part. Also mention the fee you are willing to pay for the service; If I receive multiple requests I will only accept the best offers and/or delay the other offers to a later time. I will make a subjective judgement about "best offers" in relation to the the complexity of the program versus interesting idea's versus the offered fee.

I will check my e-mail during the rest of july to evaluate requests but -as mentioned before- I will only be available to start coding at the beginning of august.

Thank you!


Will you provide potential buyer with a source? at the end of project?

Please make clear statement about your policy.

Thank You.

Hi nicwazegno,

thanks for the interest.

When an indicator or script is created, the source code will be returned in addition to the executable if the client requests this.

However, for an expert advisor the standard policy would be the return of only a closed source executable that performs the requested functionality. The client will also receive a password that is based on his/her AccountNumber (login for metatrader). When working on a live account, the expert advisor will only function when the client inputs this password as the extern variable "Password_Live". This means that nobody other than the client will be able to use the expert advisor for live trading. I also preserve the right to sell the expert advisor to other traders when the project is finished. However, if the client does not agree with this policy other terms can be negotiated. More information can also be requested via email.

Thank you
I also preserve the right to sell the expert advisor to other traders when the project is finished. However....
THX..... ONE DOWN!!!
THX..... ONE DOWN!!!

lol. Like I said, terms can be negotiated: you can request for the EA not to be sold to anyone else. The EA can also be open source if the buyer wants this. However, if I receive multiple requests for EA's I will probably prefer the ones that can be returned as a closed source executable. This means that buyers of open source EA's might have to wait a little longer before the EA gets coded (depending on the number of requests that I receive). Like mentioned before, price, complexity and interesting idea's will also play a role in selection of the job. example: I might prefer to code a very simple, closed source EA for a low fee first as compared to a complex open source EA for a higher fee. Btw: I haven't received any requests yet ;)

I will make an edit to the original post to make the policy more clear. More questions are welcome.



You shouldn't make such a statement on a first place... regarding overtaking the right to Unique idea given to you to code...yes unique --- no one would bother to code if would not believe that exploited something new - so yes we should call it unique.

you have /in my opinion/ undermined basic thing when it comes to business: trust, and loyalty. take my advice -- lie - always lie about such stuff- as every corp do. cos "what u cant see u wont regret "

also /we spoke about it in other post/ i can see some point in giving out executable especially if is contain unique solutions in terms of coding, extra fee for source - yep i can swallow it under mentioned circumstance ---- BUT.....

BUT BUT U also talkin about almost forced tribute in order to prevent my idea being available to other... u no what sell your code ---- leave my stuff alone....

am not gonna start arguing whether you have right or not to do so, cos its clear,

but take this, not an advice but statement.... in terms of business... u have just committed SUICIDE.


You shouldn't make such a statement on a first place... regarding overtaking the right to Unique idea given to you to code...yes unique --- no one would bother to code if would not believe that exploited something new - so yes we should call it unique.

you have /in my opinion/ undermined basic thing when it comes to business: trust, and loyalty. take my advice -- lie - always lie about such stuff- as every corp do. cos "what u cant see u wont regret "

also /we spoke about it in other post/ i can see some point in giving out executable especially if is contain unique solutions in terms of coding, extra fee for source - yep i can swallow it under mentioned circumstance ---- BUT.....

BUT BUT U also talkin about almost forced tribute in order to prevent my idea being available to other... u no what sell your code ---- leave my stuff alone....

am not gonna start arguing whether you have right or not to do so, cos its clear,

but take this, not an advice but statement.... in terms of business... u have just committed SUICIDE.

Hi nicwazegno,

I appreciate your input, but I think you misunderstand me quite a bit (I probably didn't make myself clear enough).
I don't own or overtake the rights to any of the buyers unique idea's if that is what you mean. You can still make those idea's available to others or implement and sell them yourself at a later time. The buyer can do whatever he wants with his idea's.

However, I'm the one implementing the idea into an expert advisor right now. I would like to preserve the rights to the expert advisor that I coded myself..
This means that I would like to keep the code closed source and be able to sell the executable to other traders at a later time.
The password system makes sure that individual buyers can't sell the program that I wrote (not the idea itself!) to other traders.
There's a big difference in "rights to the underlying unique idea" and "rights to the coded expert advisor" :)

How do you feel about this policy? I would also appreciate some more input on this from other people as well.

By the way, you're only talking about this from a business perspective.. like I'm in it for the money alone. It is important to note that I'm partly doing this because I like coding the EA's, indicators and scripts. It's a fun thing to do and I'm open to all kinds of suggestions.. eg very simple programs and idea's for very low fees. In case of relatively simple EA's I have no problem in sending the source code upon request, in other cases this can be discussed further.

Thank you

Basically you have no clue on how to trade and want that other traders give you some money and the strategy. Good luck with that


Basically you have no clue on how to trade

Well, it's understandable that you assume that since I'm new to this forum. But then again.. are there any elite traders here that offer services to implement the strategy's of other traders? I assume they would probably rather implement there own top notch idea's and make money of it right? So yes, possitive aspect about this is that I might learn some new tricks from the idea's that I receive from other people. Does it really matter how good my own strategy's work if I'm able to perfectly implement the idea's that the buyer wants me to code (this is the service that I offer)? I do not need to be an elite trader for this job, since I do not offer trading advice to the buyers. I need to be a good programmer for this job, not a good trader.

However, I understand that people feel more comfortable when a successful trader is implementing their idea's. I might post some of my more succesful EA's (my own strategy's) if I get this remark from other people in the near future.


and want that other traders give you some money and the strategy.

Well yeah.. that's basically what happens when traders pay someone to implement their strategy ;)

Good luck with that

I would say thank you if the comment wasn't filled with sarcasm.. I'm just offering my services here. Nobody is obliging you to make me code your idea's.. :)

I assume many people feel the same way about this as you do, so thank you for the input.


If programmers wants to be smart about their business model they'd keep the terms and conditions to themselves. This really is a personal matter between buyer and seller. Every person have a different opinion about what constitutes screwing people over. Some programmers offer free coding services. Some offer twenty-bucks coding services. Some offer thousand-bucks coding services. Some charge hundreds of $$ per-standard add-on. Some give away free codes. Some wants the right to re-sell the project expert advisor. Some programmers are Idea hunting.

All I have to say, if you can look yourself in the mirror and say "I'm not intensionally screwing anyone over" and "I would agree to these terms if I was in their shoes" then you've being true to your world-view (nothing anyone can do about that). You may think, it's not my fault if he/she didn't read the fine prints or ask who have the right to the program etc. But if you're screwing people over, it'll come back to bite you in the rear end. With people posting de-complied versions of your sold programs on forums like this.

People who have money to spent generally aren't as dumb as some "folks who like to take advantage of em" would like to think and they would see right through the hussle... or learn for next time. With all the options I described in paragraph 1. You'll get the types of customers you deserve. Nothing more nothing less. Oh and to people who think they can get anything they want for free, you too will get what you deserve, sleezy-programmers.


If programmers wants to be smart about their business model they'd keep the terms and conditions to themselves. This really is a personal matter between buyer and seller. Every person have a different opinion about what constitutes screwing people over. Some programmers offer free coding services. Some offer twenty-bucks coding services. Some offer thousand-bucks coding services. Some charge hundreds of $$ per-standard add-on. Some give away free codes. Some wants the right to re-sell the project expert advisor. Some programmers are Idea hunting.

All I have to say, if you can look yourself in the mirror and say "I'm not intensionally screwing anyone over" and "I would agree to these terms if I was in their shoes" then you've being true to your world-view (nothing anyone can do about that). You may think, it's not my fault if he/she didn't read the fine prints or ask who have the right to the program etc. But if you're screwing people over, it'll come back to bite you in the rear end. With people posting de-complied versions of your sold programs on forums like this.

People who have money to spent generally aren't as dumb as some "folks who like to take advantage of em" would like to think and they would see right through the hussle... or learn for next time. With all the options I described in paragraph 1. You'll get the types of customers you deserve. Nothing more nothing less. Oh and to people who think they can get anything they want for free, you too will get what you deserve, sleezy-programmers.

Hi ubzen,

that's an excellent remark and I will follow this advice in the future. I'm done talking about the business model here and I can honestly say that I'm not trying to screw anyone over. I will only negotiate terms and conditions with people that request a program through email from now on.

Now.. I'm looking for something to code (starting august!). To get things going I will code the first request in my inbox for free.

Thank you very much for the input.