is this EA back test results any good? - page 5


5k was my starting capital - I am prepaired to lose it all if things go wrong. I have stopped the EA and am tranfering my starting capital back to my bank account. So now all that is in my trading account is my winnings.

@mbirrell: Yeah, thats the way I would do it also if I ran a No-Stoploss System. The only statistic which matters 2me when I'm dealing with such high reward systems is something they called Double-Barrel in Blackjack analysis. Simply put, it's what the chances of me losing my Bankroll before I Double-It. If you're twice as likely to Double the Bank before you Ruin then you have an Edge. Take 1/2 the money out each time the Bank-Roll doubles. If you're bad lucky enough to lose it all on the first try, wait for your next paycheck and try again :)