metatrader native on linux



I know about Wine and emulating Windows on Linux for operating MetaTrader with Linux.

Is there any plan to develope a MetaTrader version for Linux, because with many EA´s the Performance decreases significant, so Wine is inefficent.

or maybe MetaTrader based on Java, which would also work ...

Really? I found my EAs(w/o dll) work faster on Linux through wine...
My Mt4 on wine works better too :))) however I have problem developing there, cause wine thinks the metaeditor compiler is a debugger or soemthing ( cant remember exactly) and wouldnt compile files. I'd love it if I could do everything on linux :( any1 solved that?
Really? I found my EAs(w/o dll) work faster on Linux through wine...

I think that is improbable. Wine emulates Windows and nearly every emulation reduces the performance of the programs.

Did you try it with 20-30 EA´s running parallel ? I have a processor load of 80-90 % and that is very abnormal for linux ...

Linux is for server applications and regarding security and performance better than windows.

Why is there no MT4 Software running on Linux native ?


I think that is improbable. Wine emulates Windows and nearly every emulation reduces the performance of the programs.

Wine is not an emulator. That's already clearly stated by its name: Wine Is Not an Emulator: WINE. I don't know why this myth won't end.

Wine is an API wrapper that adds Windows® API to Unix/Linux and lets the Windows® applications run natively like any other application. Its basically a clean room re-implementation of Windows® totally from scratch on top of a Linux/Unix kernel and with such an approach it does not have any inherent performance penalty against the original Windows®. And since the underlying operating system kernel and its subsystems are much more efficient than Windows® could ever be it is reasonable to assume that applications might very well run faster in wine than they would do in Windows®.


Did you try it with 20-30 EA´s running parallel ? I have a processor load of 80-90 % and that is very abnormal for linux ...

You have 30 EAs running parallel? What are you doing with them? :)))

Wine is not an emulator. That's already clearly stated by its name: Wine Is Not an Emulator: WINE. I don't know why this myth won't end.

Wine is an API wrapper that adds Windows API to Unix/Linux and lets the Windows applications run natively like any other application. Its basically a clean room re-implementation of Windows[tm] totally from scratch on top of a Linux/Unix kernel and with such an approach it does not have any inherent performance penalty. And since the underlying operating system kernel and its subsystems are much more efficient than Windows could ever be it is reasonable to assume that applications might very well run faster in wine than they would do in windows.

Ok, that sounds good.

I thought it is a Emulator, but why are MT4-Instances slower than under Windows ?

I tested it and there was a very high processor-load with the MT4´s ...

and If I would use Linux for MetaTrader, which Distribution would be the best ?

I do not think about beginner-distributions, only about performance with running metatrader, stability and security


I thought it is a Emulator, but why are MT4-Instances slower than under Windows ?

I tested it and there was a very high processor-load with the MT4´s ...

I am running it in a VMWare session with XP Professional and I am seeing high CPU usage there too (i have a few CPU hungry EAs). I did not do direct comparisons with wine, I tried it running in wine once and did not observe any obvious performance problems but I also did not do detailed measurements and comparisons.

The reason I am using it in VMWare is I have some other software interfacing with MT4 that would be terribly complicated (although not impossible) setting it all up for wine, so I have decided to have all these things contained together in one virtual machine that I can just shutdown at the weekend (which is also the time when I usually don't want to see anything trading related lying around on my computer).