finding the right broker or ecn?


hey guys, i'm completely new to trading, and haven't even started paper trading yet. i really don't know much - i'm spending about 2 weeks doing a lot of research and self-education. doing forex AND stocks is important to me, because i want to START with stocks, since my startup capital is limited.

one of the issues is that i'm a web developer, so i only have linux computers. essentially all trading platforms run on windows. i was able to get metatrader5 to run on linux via wine, and noticed it was a very robust platform, and could trade STOCKS and forex, so i'm fairly firm on using only metatrader 5, rather than another software client.

what i was wondering, is WHO i should use to do my trading with. is there a broker out there who (1) lets its clients use metatrader (2) trades STOCKS (3) trades forex (4) has a 800$ or less minimum deposit (5) doesn't rape you with their fees??? also, i'm wondering if i need to use a traditional online broker, or if i can use a ECN and cut out the middle man, if i'm even asking the right question???

thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.


what i was wondering, is WHO i should use to do my trading with. is there a broker out there who (1) lets its clients use metatrader (2) trades STOCKS (3) trades forex (4) has a 800$ or less minimum deposit (5) doesn't rape you with their fees??? also, i'm wondering if i need to use a traditional online broker, or if i can use a ECN and cut out the middle man, if i'm even asking the right question???

Brokers are not discussed on this Forum,  please don't try to,  thank you 
oh, i'm sorry, i thought this was a trading forum. can you recommend a better place for recommendations? thanks.
oh, i'm sorry, i thought this was a trading forum. can you recommend a better place for recommendations? thanks.

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