cannot load library error code 126


Hi all!

I have a big problem.

I developed a DLL file for MetaTrader via Visual Studio Express 2010.

I have cheked many entries here on the forum and found many useful advice like this:

I have used the VS express on Windows 7 x64 op system.

The express can not use x64 so everything is built as x86 (32bit), I have checked it via Properties (management).

The problem: I built DLL file on my machine and it is working perfectly under MetaTrader but only on my machine.

When I tried it on other machine (WIn XP (x86)) then I got an error message: cannot load library error 126

I found this entry in this forum: and Dependency Walker shows the following DLLs are missing:





I downloaded them and put to experts/libraries (next to my dll file).

The problem still exists.

I changed the Use of MFC from shared to static in VS and rebuilt the DLL.

VS settings:

Properties/Configuration Properties/General/Use of MFC=Use MFC in a Static Library

Properties/C++/Code Generation/Runtime Library=(/MDd)

The problem still exists. (DLL files are missing further)

As I know metatrader finds the DLL files firstly in libraries after that MetaTrader root dir after that system32.

Do you have any advice for me?




ps: it would be very urgent