trying to group open orders in metatrader 4 or 5. is it impossible?


what i would like to do is group my open orders.

for example i have buy orders and sell orders. some are in + some are in -

what i like to do is make an EA and show on chart different groups.

1 column has a bunch of buy orders in +

1 column has a bunch of buy orders in -

1 column has a bunch of sell orders in +

1 column has a bunch of sell orders in -

then every column should show how much pips it is in total.

for example colom 1 has 4 open + buy orders . so t should show at the bottom the total .

+12 pips +10 pips +11 pips + 14 pips = +47 pips

and visa versa for the other 4 colomns.

but how would this be possible to program in metatrader? because orders could switch from colum1 to column 2 for example and visa versa.

hopefully some skilled programmer could lead me the way on how to accomplish this in metatrader 4 or 5.

thanks in advance
