mq4 converting

The mq4 code in forex works well, but how can this code be converted to easylanguage, or C+(the basic of mq4) ? If mq4 comes out of C+ so it can be reversed.

The way I look at it - I get an idea (or *shame* someone else's), work out the logic, then code it into MQL4. I could also code it in C#, VB, C++, dBase, and a whole range of Assembler varieties.

The language is almost irrelevant (when I trashed the first 3MB of a Win FAT32 HDD with Linux, I wrote a sector recovery program ... in VBA in Excel! - which was the quickest/easiest programming platform to get going on a dead Win computer)

MT4 doesn't use EasyLanguage, and probably the platform that uses EasyLanguage doesn't do init(), start() & Order functions in the way that MT4 does (although I may be wrong here)

So, reverse engineering MQL4 into another language is sidestepping the real issue - which is, to convert the idea & logic for a trading system, into the language used by the platform you want.


> the real issue - which is, to convert the idea & logic for a trading system

Yes, I cannot stress this enough - get the strategy right, then worry about the code!

If you start with "ooo i can do this & that in code" you will take forever or never get there :(
