Metaquotes - what were you thinking?


Why did you choose HTML as the file type to save the account history as?

HTML is used by browsers and web design software.

Do you really think people want to publish their account history on the web, or modify it in Dreamweaver?

Did you really choose HTML over Excel or CSV?

What was going through your head when you made that choice?


Why did you choose HTML as the file type to save the account history as?

HTML is used by browsers and web design software.

Do you really think people want to publish their account history on the web, or modify it in Dreamweaver?

Did you really choose HTML over Excel or CSV?

What was going through your head when you made that choice?

i guess ... looking nice when open in browser *lol

Can anyone from Metaquotes address this?

Why Html rather than what people would prefer, excel?

Umm... I can open the statement html with Excel no problems ...
Umm... I can open the statement html with Excel no problems ...
This does not solve the original problem: It is not saved in an appropriate format that can easily used by other software. What Excel can or cannot do with some crazy format was not the question, the question was why does it have to be such a crazy format in the first place.

i assume its because every computer has a browser installed, so every computer is able to display the statement without the neen of an additional software.


I made this for that purpose

This does not solve the original problem: It is not saved in an appropriate format that can easily used by other software. What Excel can or cannot do with some crazy format was not the question, the question was why does it have to be such a crazy format in the first place.

Thank you Bernd. If you allow a note, it's not a crazy format, it's a simple html table inside. Oh, I know, it wasn't the question either. :)

What format would you like then? Because you can get a csv by saving the html with Excel in 2 minutes.