Menus/drop-downs stop working when running many MT4 terminals

Something I have noticed both on my computer (XP) and on my VPS (Server 2003) is that when I run many MT4 terminals then Windows start behaving badly, not just MT$ but any open windows application. (I run around 20 terminals but have decreased Max bars in history/chart to a minimum in most of the terminals in order to save memory)
If I click on a drop-down button it doesn't "drop down".
If I click on a menu the menu does not open.
If I righ click on a file an incompelete menu opens.
If I right click on the task bar and selects Task Manager it doesn't open.

But then if I close one of the open programs it starts working again, so it sounds like a memory issue. However, when I doubled the RAM on the VPS (and added a CPU) it did not make a difference to how many terminals I could run before this started to happen again.

Does anyone recognize this and know why it happens and even better how it can be solved? I would rather upgrade my VPS than opening another one since it's easier to have everything in the same place, but it seems like upgrading doesn't help.

As far as I know XP and Server 2003 is practially the same OS. Does anyone know if this happens on newer OS's too? I have another VPS with server 2008.



can u check the CPU usage & how many free memory ?


can u check the CPU usage & how many free memory ?

Well when this happens I can't open the task manager. But I closed just enough to be able to open the task manager and then I opened a couple of programs again to get back to the bad state. See image for what the task manager looks like.


if you have enough space in your hard drive try to increase the virtual memory