modifying indicators, what is the etiquette?


I am new to the forum and recently discovered the excellent code base and custom indicators.

Very impressed by the work of others and willingness to share, but as I am completely new to this and have no previous experience in programming, I was wondering what the correct approach is, or etiquette to be followed if I want to modify another person's custom indicator.


I like the simplicity of the MA Angle Tony:( an indicator which gives you a simple visual clue to whether a moving ave is angled up (green histogram above axis) or down (red histogram below axis).

and I want to adapt this indicator to give a similar visual clue for the Oscillator of moving average (OsMA)so that I can see at a glance if the OsMA is positively or negatively sloped, as opposed to reading the values from the data window.

Is this approach OK? and how does one reference the original work?



(Note I am attempting to do this by logic and substitution in the absence of proper MQ4 knowledge, with limited success so far, although the amended indicator will compile without error, but not plot the way I hoped. Thought I should get the above answers before I tried further variations)

There is no etiquette in the mql4 community. This is the most anarchic "community" I have ever witnessed, there is no moral, there is no ethics, not even something like a thieves' honor or anything like that.

7zip, don't you think you are painting with a rather large brush here? Every community has its members who are in good-standing and those who are not. At best it is fair to say that the mql4 community is no less diverse than society itself, we have our scammers, we have our criminals, but to claim that is all that the community is composed of does a disservice to those members who are genuine and legitimate...both in their pursuit of acquiring assistance as well as their pursuit of helping others.

pullend, it is customary to leave any existing credits contained within the code while adding your own and making it clear what intellectual property you have added versus that which was adapted (original). Source code that is uploaded to the internet is done so with full understanding that it will be "repurposed", that isn't unique to mql4 code either. As such, if the author wishes to have any credits then it is their burden to ensure the code contains such credits in the comments, you are not expected to add these commentary credits. (I upload code and I don't bother adding credit for myself, I just don't care about it that much) This is just common sense.

The only real etiquette here is we won't help with decompiled code, as that indicates that you don't have any rights to the code.

7zip, don't you think you are painting with a rather large brush here? Every community has its members who are in good-standing and those who are not. At best it is fair to say that the mql4 community is no less diverse than society itself, we have our scammers, we have our criminals, but to claim that is all that the community is composed of does a disservice to those members who are genuine and legitimate...both in their pursuit of acquiring assistance as well as their pursuit of helping others.

pullend, it is customary to leave any existing credits contained within the code while adding your own and making it clear what intellectual property you have added versus that which was adapted (original). Source code that is uploaded to the internet is done so with full understanding that it will be "repurposed", that isn't unique to mql4 code either. As such, if the author wishes to have any credits then it is their burden to ensure the code contains such credits in the comments, you are not expected to add these commentary credits. (I upload code and I don't bother adding credit for myself, I just don't care about it that much) This is just common sense.

thank you, hoped that leaving existing credits and adding a descriptor that suggested it was modified would be reasonable and that part of the purpose of having the code here was to help others learn and adapt.