Interesting news: Upcoming MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 Upgrades - Big Changes Are Underway


maybe good, i don't know

Diccussion on the forum: Upcoming MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 Upgrades - Big Changes Are Underway

Please don't break the Strategy Tester as it is in MT5 . . .  in MT5 Strategy Tester some Objects don't work.

Please don't prevent users from using their own history data,  please,  this is critical to being able to test in a controlled manner. 

Will the Documentation be updated to fix existing issues ?  will there be a change log for all documentation changes ?  perhaps this can be added to any pages that are changed ? 


Please don't break the Strategy Tester as it is in MT5 . . .  in MT5 Strategy Tester some Objects don't work.

It should be "Please don't break the Strategy Tester as it is in MT4...", not ?
It should be "Please don't break the Strategy Tester as it is in MT4...", not ?

No,  as far as I know all mql4 Objects work in the MT4 Strategy Tester,  not all mql5 Objects work in the MT5 Strategy Tester.  

I assume that the difference is because the MT4 ST is just another MT4 chart  whereas the MT5 ST is a separate application . . .   what would be a good addition is to make Indicators work correctly in the MT4 ST,  that would be a big help for many users.


No,  as far as I know all mql4 Objects work in the MT4 Strategy Tester,  not all mql5 Objects work in the MT5 Strategy Tester.  

I assume that the difference is because the MT4 ST is just another MT4 chart  whereas the MT5 ST is a separate application . . .   what would be a good addition is to make Indicators work correctly in the MT4 ST,  that would be a big help for many users.

Ah ok, I see now, misread.
so can mt4 platform buy mt5 products?
so can mt4 platform buy mt5 products?
No !  in the same way that a MT4 signal cannot run on MT5 and visa versa . . . the compiler may be the same but the code will be different and mql4 will have some functions and code that mql5 does not have and visa versa. 
so can mt4 platform buy mt5 products?
No. MT5 products is only for MT5, but Metaquotes is preparing opening of Market to MT4 products (for MT4 platform). It will be more easy to code for MT4 and MT5.

A question for MQ . . .

Will the Strategy Tester be improved so that Indicators can be correctly tested ? some cannot be tested correctly, some can, the MT5 Strategy tester allows Indicators to run correctly, can we expect the same in the "new" MT4 Strategy Tester ?

Here is a summary of what has been said by Renat (CEO Metaquotes) about these Big Changes :

Everything will work without rewriting as we maintain compatibility.

We simply extend functionality MQL4 new features taken from MQL5. 

All of the OOP is now available in MQL4 without restrictions. This is the most delicious. 

We raise the functional language MQL4 is fully up to the level MQL5, only disabling some of the functions such as OpenCL. 

Q : A number of buffers in the indicators will be added?

R :Yes

Q : Will there be implemented Asynchronous orders? They are necessary for example to close the stack of orders! 

R : Probably.

Q : EA will be written in MQL4 dough and optimized in the cloud? 

R : Unfortunately, no. The tester will be single-threaded and without MQL5 Cloud Network

Q : I understand that it will work in both terminals!

R : No, experts and indicators will not be compatible, since different ideology access to stories and trade. And that's compatible libraries can be done if they do not use the specific function of each of the languages.