Date number format in template ?

When I save a template, dates parameters are saved not under classical but under a number. I did a search on Internet and can't find how to convert from date string format to this date number format. Can someone tell me how or points to an article, thanks and Happy Year!

if u mean this no. create_time=1289312373

Datetime constant can vary from Jan 1, 1970 to Dec 31, 2037

Its internal representation is a long integer number of 4 bytes. The value represents the amount of seconds elapse from 00:00 Jan 1, 1970.

I did a search on Internet and can't find how to convert from date string format to this date number format. Can someone tell me how or points to an article

in mql4 TimeToStr()

just convert the number


in mql4 TimeToStr()

just convert the number

Thanks very much that's what I needed (

if u mean this no. create_time=1289312373

Datetime constant can vary from Jan 1, 1970 to Dec 31, 2037

Its internal representation is a long integer number of 4 bytes. The value represents the amount of seconds elapse from 00:00 Jan 1, 1970.

Thank you !